Taxpayers deserve better than recent salary tactics

Published 5:00 am Monday, October 14, 2002

In our Online Opinion Poll for last week, 89.87% of those whoresponded said they do not agree with the pay raises the board ofaldermen voted themselves and the mayor two weeks ago.

The raises were included in the 3 percent pay raises given tothe city’s full-time employees. The salary adjustments were thefourth for Brookhaven’s mayor and board of aldermen in six years.With the latest pay raises, the mayor’s salary increases to$56,064, and aldermen will be receiving $14,016. Other benefitssuch as health insurance and retirement add to the annualcompensation received by our city officials.

A survey conducted by The DAILY LEADER found both the mayor’sand the aldermen’s salaries among the highest in comparable sizedcities. While we will not debate the value of our elected leadersover those of other cities, we do have to express concern on theway these raises were passed — even one of the board members wassurprised when he learned he had voted himself a raise.

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Brookhaven taxpayers should be unhappy with this latest move.They are the ones picking up the tab, and they have a right toexpect their elected officials to be straightforward and open whenit comes to pay raises.