Conference renews focus on Biblical texts

Feet were jumping, hands were waving and voices were singing. The Heritage Family Church had come alive for the Apostolic Legacy Conference last Thursday. Over 500 people filled the chapel: evangelists, pastors and church members from all over the country gathered to worship.

Pastor Randal Bowling said the conference is an attempt to restore the Apostolic Legacy to churches.

“We are getting back to old paths and getting back to scripture. The present day is an untoward generation,” said Bowling.

The conference spanned all day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Evangelists and preachers from around the country preach the word of God to the congregation.

“There are a lot of things the world has strayed from. Ask 1,000 people what it takes to get to salvation, and you’ll get 1,000 ways,” said Bowling. “The word is simple. The questions haven’t changed, why should the answer. The difference in theology is man made.”

The Legacy conference services were intense, Biblically-focused experiences. The choirs sang uplifting hymns with all their might. The evangelists and pastors passionately yelled their sermons as they preached, and when people felt the spirit they began to clap, yell and pray in tongues.

Bowling said people are not being taught what they should be and the church wants to share a spiritual life with everyone.

“The conference is empowering people to go back to their homes and preach this message,” said Bowling. “We can all do more to please god.”

Everything said at the services was Biblically-based, no private interpretation, no opinions and no personal theology.

“Men have altered, or deviated from the Biblical message of worship, salvation, but we are returning to it,” said Bowling. “There are too many different gospels now preached in our world that contradict scripture. If an individual will study the word of God, it delivers the same message to all.”

Bowling added the purpose is not to degrade or condemn anyone else; it is a way to challenge and stir those in attendance. The church is simply trying to please God by understanding and practicing the scriptures.

“We are not better than anyone else,” said Bowling. “We share what we have with everyone. The word has made a difference in our lives so we’re going to live it. How you believe determines the level of power in your relationship with God. That is why we started the Apostolic Legacy Conference.”

At the end of the service, after evangelists’ hands were placed on brothers and the healing process had subsided, the members of the congregation smiled and warmly greeted each other. A sense of comfort filled the air and as people wondered home into the night. It was evident on their faces and in their mannerisms that the words spoken at the conferences had touched their community.

The welcoming members of the Heritage Family church invites everyone to join them in worship. The church is located at 1259 Highway 51 NE in Brookhaven. Services are Sunday at 2 p.m. and bible study Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. For more information contact 601-835-4132 or email

Beliefs and Practices: 

• The Bible is the word of God. There should be no personal theology, private interpretation or opinion about the book. It is taken literally.

• Women do not cut their hair because Paul said in Corinthians that if a woman has long hair it is her ornament and glory, and it is given her for a covering. “If a woman prays with her head uncovered, dishonoreth her head and it would be as if her head was shavened.”

• The women also dress modestly, without expensive accessories or radical hairstyles, as stated in 1 Timothy 2:9; 1 Peter 3:3.

• Church members who are filled with the Holy Ghost, speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues is the evidence of God’s Spirit living inside of them. The practice is referenced several times throughout the bible.

• They practice separate seating for young men and women. This is a very traditional social custom that allows the preacher to address specific genders, omits the opportunity for distractions during the service, and it gives a feeling of community and brotherhood.

• Worship is a very interactive event. Members will jump up and down, sing, shout, dance and clap their hands throughout the service. It adds to the excitement of the service. It is in obedience to Biblical commands of different of forms or worship.

• There is only one God. Jesus came to the earth as God in flesh. As stated by Paul, Colosians 2:9, “in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily, and ye are complete in him.” Ephesians 4:5 says, “One Lord, One faith, One baptism.” James 2:19 states, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. ”

• Salvation is achieved through repentance of sins, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and receiving the Holy Ghost as evidenced by speaking in tongues.

• Holiness is reflected in conduct, appearance, conversation and general lifestyle.

• The church believes there are many spiritual gifts for those who have been filled with the Holy Spirit such as divine healing, miracles, prophecy and other gifts that should all be expected as a result of spiritual growth.


