DAILY LEADER / KATIE WILLIAMSON / The Total Truth Youth Leadership Conference teaches high school students from across southwest Mississippi about the consequences of districted driving, motives behind tobacco marketing and about legal repercussions from poor decisions. Brookhaven Academy student Sara Kate Rushing plays wheelchair basketball. The game simulates what it would be like to be paralyzed from a car wreck. Students were able to hear from the Tobacco Free Coalition, Alcohol Services, Mississippi Department of Transportation, local practicing lawyers and from the Mississippi Attorney General's office.

DAILY LEADER / KATIE WILLIAMSON / The Total Truth Youth Leadership Conference teaches high school students from across southwest Mississippi about the consequences of districted driving, motives behind tobacco marketing and about legal repercussions from poor decisions. Brookhaven Academy student Sara Kate Rushing plays wheelchair basketball. The game simulates what it would be like to be paralyzed from a car wreck. Students were able to hear from the Tobacco Free Coalition, Alcohol Services, Mississippi Department of Transportation, local practicing lawyers and from the Mississippi Attorney General’s office.
