Clerk’s office open Saturday for voting
Absentee voting for the June 24 runoff primary election will start this Saturday in the Lincoln County circuit clerk’s office. The office will be open from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
Those qualifying to vote absentee can cast their ballot in person at the circuit clerk’s office, located on the second floor of the Lincoln County-Brookhaven Government Complex, or they can call the circuit clerk’s office at (601) 835-3435 and request a ballot be mailed to them.
The clerk’s office will begin mailing absentee ballots to qualified voters Saturday, and the office staff is already taking requests for mailed ballots, said Circuit Clerk Dustin Bairfield.
The last day to cast an absentee ballot in the circuit clerk’s office is Saturday, June 21, 2014, at noon. The office will open at 8 a.m. that Saturday.
Mailed-in absentee ballots must be received in the circuit clerk’s post office box by Monday, June 23, at 5 p.m. in order to be counted in the June 24 election.
Voters who wish to vote absentee are required to fill out and sign an application stating the reason they cannot vote on election day. Acceptable reasons for voting absentee include military service, having to work during voting hours on election day or having to care for a sick relative outside the county on election day.
Voters also should bring a photo identification card with them when they come to the clerk’s office to cast their absentee ballot.
Residents must have registered to vote by May 3 to be eligible to vote in the June 24 election.
Bairfield reminded local residents that registered voters can vote in the June 24 runoff even if they did not vote June 3.
Those who voted June 3 cannot cross over to vote in a different party primary from the one selected on June 3, however.