County finishes new gymnasiums at two schools

Lincoln County School Superintendent Terry Brister said the new gymnasiums at Enterprise Attendance Center and at Bogue Chitto are ready for activity.

“I talked to principals at both schools,” Brister said. “I told them we’re lucky to have these facilities, and I also said that it was the responsibility of the coaches in each school to keep up the facilities.”

Brister added that how nice the gyms look a few months from now will be an extension of the kind of relationship there is among faculty.

“It’s a reflection of the cooperation between administration and the athletic department,” Brister said. “I told [staff members] that now is the time to set boundaries and stand your ground about restrictions in the gymnasiums – what will and will not be allowed.”

Lincoln County schools recently had two new gymnasiums built. Enterprise and Bogue Chitto’s gymnasiums were both newly built and recently had new bleachers installed to complete the projects. Brister said he is proud of the final product.

“I’m proud of this board – that y’all made a stand to get these new facilities because these facilities are also our auditoriums, and I’m real proud of them.”

In other business the school board members:

• Approved the recommendation of a boys’ basketball head coach at Bogue Chitto.

• Approved changes to the substitute teacher list for the 2013-14 school year.

• Approved Coach Steve Barrington’s request to collect money for signs and from players for cleats, and to put the money into the school baseball account, under the purchasing of baseball equipment.

• Approved the voiding of an unredeemed activity fund check No. 8514.

• Approved student releases and transfers for 20113-14 school year.

The next school board meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m., Monday, Dec. 2, at the county school offices at 233 East Monticello St., Brookhaven.
