Area farmers reminded loan help available
Local farmers are reminded that “emergency loans for farmers, ranchers and operators are available through Lincoln County Office of the Farm Service Agency,” said A. Rodney Johnson, FSA farm loan manager.
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on July 31 declared a major disaster in Mississippi caused by a freeze that occurred from March 25 through March 29, 2013.
As a result, Lincoln County has been designated a primary natural disaster area eligible for Federal Disaster assistance pursuant to Section 321 (a) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, Johnson said.
Applications for assistance in the disaster-stricken county will be accepted by FSA through March 31, 2014.
Farmers qualifying for emergency loans may borrow up to 100 percent of their actual production loss or the amount needed to restore their operation to its pre-disaster condition, whichever is less.
The new emergency loan and outstanding principal balance of any existing emergency loan owed by the applicant or any individual member of an entity cannot exceed $500,000.
FSA emergency loans cover losses from designated disasters and are made to qualified farmers who cannot obtain credit from other lenders in the local area.
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