Opinion Columnists

Three sides to every story: Yours, mine and the truth

What happens when you don’t like one burger joint? You can go to another. What happens if you ...


Considering Mississippi’s own voting challenges

As the national debate roils over whether or not President Donald Trump and some of his appointees are ...

Opinion Columnists

The world is going to miss that smile

I looked back through my phone, some photo albums and a stack of yearbooks. Couldn’t find one. No, ...

Opinion Columnists

A community with no newspaper is only bad news

What would my town be without a newspaper? If you haven’t asked yourself that question, perhaps it is ...


Waiting for that new Mississippi flag to unfurl

The Complete Flag Source store sits on a frontage road that runs beside the main interstate cutting through ...

Opinion Columnists

Anti-immigration efforts remain a whack-a-mole affair

Whack-A-Mole was a popular arcade game back in the mid-1970s which required players to use a mallet to ...

Opinion Columnists

Analysis: Budget dispute goes to 1 judge in Hinds County

Mississippi Republican legislative leaders helped defeat a 2015 education initiative by arguing that if someone sued the state ...


Dueling medical marijuana initiatives face a hard road

Mississippi voters will face the question of legalized medical marijuana use on a broader scale on the November ...

Opinion Columnists

Powerful politicians are turning to prayer in pandemic

Back in March, the state of Louisiana wasn’t far behind places like New York and Italy for the ...


Love one another while we can, where we are

Twelve-year-old Chanler Smith, from my wife’s hometown of Hurley, died this week in a four-wheeler accident. My deepest ...

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