My Turn

Hunger doesn’t take a vacation

One of the most powerful things we can do to build a brighter future for America’s kids is ...

My Turn

Affordable Care Act hikes cost

I was born in Lincoln County in 1952. I moved back here the last time in 2003. As ...

My Turn

Mississippi deserves real leadership on education

It’s election time in Mississippi and, once again, public education is at the forefront of most political campaigns. ...

My Turn

C Spire defends contract negotiations

In recent weeks, The Daily Leader has published several articles about the negotiations between C Spire and the ...

My Turn

What’s the next step?

Several weeks ago in an op-ed piece in this newspaper regarding the importance of ultra high-speed fiber optic ...

My Turn

City releases information about C Spire negotiations

We feel that a recent letter to The Daily Leader does not present a true picture of the ...

My Turn

Fiber could bring edge to Brookhaven

A few miles south of downtown Brookhaven on First Street is a historical marker. It marks the location ...

My Turn

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor: The 2015 Household Hazardous Waste Event was held on March 28 at the City Land Fill ...


Zoning dispute brings hard questions

One can easily understand the concern of residents in a neighborhood when zoning changes are being considered. Zoning ...

My Turn

Amendment needed to correct underfunding

When is a promise not a promise? And when do we get to pick and choose which promise ...

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