
Griffin, Laird

Deborah Griffin announces the engagement and upcoming marriage of her daughter, Jaclyn Ashley Griffin of Brookhaven, to Harold ...


The Muralist — Brookhaven native makes his mark downtown with a mural for a new venue

Don Jacobs is no stranger to Brookhaven. His roots are deep here. He graduated high school here nearly ...


Beach, White

Michelle Evette Dover Beach announces the engagement and upcoming marriage of her daughter, Alyssa Michelle Beach of Meadville, ...


Watts, Berry

Jason and Heather Watts announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Courtney Watts of Madison, to ...


The art judge — Hazlehurst Judge Ed Patten finds comfort in painting

From the courtroom to the art studio, Judge Ed Patten of Hazlehurst finds comfort in painting. Born in ...


Junior Ambassadors promote Brookhaven-Lincoln Chamber of Commerce

The 2018 Junior Ambassadors — formerly known as Les’ Belles de Hospitalite’ — will soon begin their duties ...


Taylor, Foster

Rodney Taylor announces the engagement and approaching wedding of his daughter Kaitlyn Taylor, of Crystal Springs, to Braxton ...


The Old Capitol Bowl — Letting history students show what they know

In his book about what some call Mississippi’s “most distinguished building,” John Ray Skates describes the Old Capitol ...


Vaughan, Zimmerman

Tim and Robin Vaughan announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Ruth Vaughan of Brookhaven, ...


Knight, Rorie

Phillip and Lea Ann Knight announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Whitney Knight of Wesson, ...

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