Letters Feature

Former member believes theatre board acted wrongly

It is with much sadness that I feel compelled to write this, but I believe the recent decision ...

Letters Feature

Silver Cross inaccurately named former hospital owner

I am writing in response to the article published in your April 25, 2017, edition, “Old Hospital Needs ...

Letters Feature

Negotiations should be give and take

Dear Legislators: This is the first time I have written you about anything. I am 65 years old. ...

Letters Feature

Writer wrong about Rep. Currie

Dear editor, I am writing in reference to your Our Opinion column in the Daily Leader on Friday ...

Letters Feature

Letter to the Editor: Pearl Harbor funeral

We want to recognize Mr. Ken Carraway, Bethany Carraway, Joseph Carraway, Wayne Kimble and other members of the ...

Letters Feature

Please return my dog to its rightful home

To the person or persons who took my dog the night of Nov. 19, Why did you take ...

Letters Feature

Justice Jim Kitchens the right candidate

You may have seen the disgusting attack ads against my father, Justice Jim Kitchens. The ads are paid ...

Letters Feature

Good job to police department, city workers

Good job to our police department in Brookhaven and our city workers. In a funeral procession this morning ...

Letters Feature

Community generosity goes a long way with Habitat

Recently, because of the generosity of a multitude of community volunteers, Habitat completed the construction of its fourteenth ...

Letters Feature

LaRue’s Drugs helps in time of need

My father, Richard Smith, fell on Saturday and hurt his knee pretty badly. He needed meds and equipment ...

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