
Start paying college athletes

Soon after North Carolina defeated Gonzaga in the NCAA men’s basketball championship game in Glendale, Arizona Monday night, ...


Field trips can be very educational

I knew it was going to be a spectacular week for a field trip when we pulled into ...


Career lessons from baseball

There are life skills and work skills that can be learned from America’s favorite pastime. Many of us ...


Attack of the bees

Our house is being attacked by bees! Not killer bees, but Carpenter bees. These hovering bumble bee look-alikes ...


Sentimental value gives items ‘keeping power’

It took a lot of sorting and value-weighing when we downsized from our home in Etta to Brandon ...


It really is the little things

I admit it. Some actions or behaviors get deeply under my skin and I let them bother me. ...


Advice for all you Little League mamas

Hey, all you Little League mamas with your calendars marked up with regular practice, batting practice and two ...


Check azaleas now

Lace bugs are the most common insects pests of azaleas and populations are building now. Not every planting ...


Roles and responsibilities of board members

Many people view board membership in non-profits as an honor, and that may be true, but it is ...


Obamacare may be here to stay

Is Obamacare here to stay? It looks that way after Republicans couldn’t agree on a health care overhaul ...

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