Obituaries for Sunday, January 12
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 12, 2004
Bruce Franklin Arnold
Services for Bruce Franklin Arnold of Brookhaven are 2 p.m.,Tuesday, Jan. 13, at Siloam Missionary Baptist. Church with burialin the church cemetery.
Visitation is Monday from noon until 7 p.m., with family hourfrom 7-8 p.m., at Williams Mortuary.
Mr. Arnold, 15, died Jan. 7, 2004, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. He was born in Brookhaven on Sept. 22, 1988, to BruceFranklin and Vickie Franklin.
He was a student who attended JFK Middle School in Springfield,Mass., and Alexander Junior High School. He was a member of SiloamMissionary Baptist Church.
Preceding him in death was a grandfather, Luther Franklin; andgreat-grandparents Marzell Byrd, Elease and Fletcher Jackson, andSedonia Webb.
Survivors are his parents, Vickie Arnold Franklin and BruceFranklin, both of Springfield, Mass.; his sisters, Natasha Arnoldand Kimyatta Arnold, both of Brookhaven; his brothers, DesmondArnold and Arredeus Newsome, both of Brookhaven; his maternalgrandparents, James Arnold and Earline Arnold, both of Brookhaven;his paternal grandmother, Annie Pearl Franklin of Brookhaven; hisgreat-grandmother, Geneva Webb of Brookhaven; and many aunts,uncles, cousins and other relatives.
The Rev. Jerry D. Brown Sr.
Services for the Rev. Jerry D. Brown Sr. of Brookhaven are 2p.m., Monday, Jan. 12, at New Vision Fellowship with burial in NewHope Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery.
Visitation is Sunday from 1-7 p.m., with family present from 6-7p.m., at Tyler Funeral Home.
The Rev. Brown, 68, died Jan. 7, 2004, at Hospice Ministries inRidgeland. He was born in Brookhaven on March 24, 1935, to JohnBrown and Nannie Sanders Brown.
He was a retired construction laborer for S.J. Amoroso in SanFrancisco, Calif., and was a former pastor of New Hope MissionaryBaptist Church, where he was also a member.
Preceding him in death were his parents; three sisters, EmmaMae, Ella Mae and Francis; and two brothers, James Earl andCharles.
Survivors are his wife, Ruby Ann Wiltz Brown of Brookhaven; hisdaughter, Yvette Brown of Vallejo, Calif.; his sons, Jerry BrownJr. of Richmond, Calif., Terry Brown of Vallejo, Calif., John(J.D.) Brown and Joseph Brown, both of Brookhaven, ChristopherWiltz of Atlanta, Ga., and Jonathan Wiltz of Douglasville, Ga.; hissisters, Clementine Edwards of Detroit, Mich., Beatrice Dixon andRosie Sanders, both of Brookhaven, and Tauheedah Muhammad ofOakland, Calif.; his brother, John (J.C.) Sanders of Brookhaven; 16grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces andnephews.
Geraldine A. Crane
Services for Geraldine A. Crane of Oveido, Fla. were 1 p.m.,Saturday, Jan. 10, at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel in Monticello withburial in Carmel Baptist Church Cemetery in Monticello.
Mrs. Crane, 87, died Jan. 7, 2004, at her residence. She wasborn in Summit on March 24, 1916, to William Henry Marsh Sr. andJanie D. Van Norman.
She was a homemaker, and a lifelong member of Rio Bista BaptistChurch in New Orleans, La.
Preceding her in death were her parents and her husband.
Survivors include her daughter, Cindy Williams of Oveido.
Selma L. Jackson
Services for Selma L. Jackson of Summit are 11 a.m., Monday,Jan. 12, at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Bogue Chitto withburial in Upper Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Summit.
Visitation is Sunday from 4-6 p.m., at Craft Funeral Home inMcComb.
Mrs. Jackson, 76, died Jan. 9, 2004, at her residence. She wasborn in Lincoln County on Oct. 13, 1927, to Brady Berry andBeatrice Culver.
She was a homemaker, and was retired from Westerhouse ApplianceCo. in Chicago, Ill.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, ElliotJackson; one daughter; two sons; two sisters; and fivebrothers.
Survivors are her daughters, Helen Woods of Brookhaven andCrystal Lowe of Woodville; her sons, Maurice Jones, Fred Lowe, andElliot Lowe, all of Summit; her brother, Gerald Berry of Chicago;18 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
William Ellison Peets
Services for William Ellison Peets of Monticello are 10:30 a.m.,Monday, Jan. 12, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burial inPeets Family Cemetery in Copiah County.
Visitation is Monday from 9:30-10:30 a.m., at the funeralhome.
Mr. Peets, 79, died Jan. 9, 2004 at Baptist Medical Center inJackson. He was born on Oct. 22, 1924, to Norman D. Peets andCatherine Patterson Peets.
He was a Post Master for over 20 years for the Brookhaven U.S.Post Office. He was a member of First United Methodist Church inBrookhaven. He was an Army veteran with service in World War II andthe Korean Conflict. He was a high school graduate.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Lewise Harrington Peets; his daughters,Cathy Jobin of Hattiesburg, Lynda Posey of Vicksburg, and Sue Berchof Pearl; his son, W.E. “Dusty” Peets Jr. of Wesson; eightgrandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Frances Douglas Salley
Services for Frances Douglas Salley of Sontag were 10 a.m.,Saturday, Jan. 10, at Shiloh Baptist Church with burial inEvergreen Cemetery in Gulfport. Wilson Funeral Home was in chargeof arrangements.
Mrs. Salley, 77, died Jan. 8, 2004, at University Medical Centerin Jackson. She was born in Lawrence County on May 12, 1926, toJesse Douglas and Susan Douglas Honea.
She was a homemaker, and a member of Shiloh Baptist Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents; and her husband.
Survivors are her sons, Roy D. Salley of Milton, Fla., Joe G.Salley of Pascagoula, and Brian C. Salley of Ashburn, Va.; hersisters, Christine Roberts of Culpepper, Va., and Dot Henceroth ofSontag; and her grandchildren, Joseph Salley and Reid Salley, bothof Pascagoula, and Brianna Salley of Ashburn, Va.
Thomas Albert “Tommy” Turnage
Services for Thomas Albert “Tommy” Turnage of Monticello wereWednesday, Jan. 7, at Wilson Funeral Home.
Mr. Turnage, 54, died Jan. 5, 2004, at Veterans AdministrationMedical Center in Jackson. He was born in Jackson on Sept. 7, 1949,to General Evan Albert “Beby” Turnage and Ethlyn Dale.
He was a landowner and for many years a truck driver. He enjoyednothing better than being “at one with nature” by walking in thewoods, fishing, hunting and gazing at God’s handiwork. He enjoyedfor many years gardening and dug his own gardens. As part of hislove of nature, he spent many hours renovating his lakeside cabinin Monticello, where he and his wife, Joan, enjoyed many happytimes. He served in the special forces in Vietnam as a Ranger. Heserved his country both honorably and courageously. The deepestpride that he felt, beside that for his family, was having servedhis country and he felt a lifelong sense of patriotism. He was amember of Monticello Baptist Church and professed a deep and solidfaith in God.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Joan Roberts Snyder of Monticello; adaughter; two stepdaughters; a stepson; his sister, Lynn DaleReynolds; six grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to the Baptist Children’s Village,Jackson, MS.