Published 6:00 am Monday, January 15, 2001
Lt. Col. Clower “C. C.” Smith (USAF Ret.)
Services for Lt. Col. Clower “C. C.” Smith (USAF Ret.) ofBrookhaven are 11 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 16, at Brookhaven FuneralHome Chapel with burial in Wesson Cemetery.
Visitation is today from 5-8 p.m. and Tuesday from 8 a.m. untilservice time at the funeral home.
Lt. Col. Smith, 82, died Jan. 13, 2001, at King’s DaughtersMedical Center. He was born in Lucien on June 7, 1918, to OscarSmith and Cammie Dickey Smith.
He was a retired Lt. Col. with the U.S. Air Force. He served asa bombardier during WWII. He was triple rated in SAG for manyyears. Before his retirement he was commander of Airwaves and aircommunications at Eglin Air Force Base. He was a member of WessonPresbyterian Church.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his brothers, Marleyand Brant Smith; and his sisters, Lavada and Nora Smith.
Survivors are his wife, Rilla Smith of Brookhaven; his son, HankSmith of Wesson; his daughter, Camille S. Johnston of Garland,Texas; his brothers, Hewitt Smith and Bill Smith, both ofBrookhaven; his sister, Mary Cleo Gunnell of Hammond; and fivegrandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Myrtice K. Tyrone
Services for Myrtice K. Tyrone of Monticello were 11 a.m.,Monday, Jan. 15, at Wilson Funeral Home with burial in ShilohBaptist Church Cemetery.
Mrs. Tyrone, 88, died Jan. 13, 2001, at Lawrence County NursingCenter. She was born in Lawrence County on Sept. 10, 1912, to J. DKeene and Martha Ann Keene.
She was retired as a seamstress with Kellwood Manufacturing. Shewas a member of Wanilla Baptist Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, Walter H.Tyrone; her son, Ceolin H. Tyrone; and her grandsons, Ricky LynnTyrone and George Glenn Tyrone Jr.
Survivors are her son, George Glenn Tyrone of Monticello; herdaughters, Mary Gay Miller of Raymond and Sandra Kay Lambert ofMonticello; and three grandchildren and fourgreat-grandchildren.
Craig Scott Vandercook Jr.
Memorial services for Craig Scott Vandercook Jr. of Brookhavenare 5 p.m., Monday, Jan. 15, at Easthaven Baptist Church.
Visitation is Monday, Jan. 15, from 4-5 p.m. at the church.
Mr. Vandercook, 28, died Thursday, Jan. 11, 2001, of injuriessustained in an automobile accident on Interstate 55 two milesnorth of Exit 24. He was born in Flint, Mich., on May 7, 1972, toCraig Scott Vandercook Sr. and Pamela Kay Richards.
He was a store manager at Shoe Dept. He was a member ofEasthaven Baptist Church.
Preceding him in death was his daughter, Madison ScottKing-Vandercook.
Survivors are his parents, Pam and Dan Richards; his daughter,Leslie Morgan King-Vandercook of Brookhaven; his step-brothers,Michael Richards of Brookhaven and Mark Richards of Sylvenia, Ohio;his step-sister, Mary Richards of Sylvenia, Ohio; and hisgrandmother, Mona Kay Sliger.
Memorials may be made to Easthaven Baptist Church or BrookhavenLittle Theater.
Harrigill Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.