Business park remains priority for area leaders
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 3, 2005
While continuing to address needs following Hurricane Katrina,community officials remain committed to moving forward withdevelopment of the new business park.
“The sooner we can get the business park functional, the soonerwe can start attracting new industry,” said Mayor BobMassengill.
During a visit to Washington last week to testify before aSenate panel regarding Hurricane Katrina, Massengill spoke brieflywith U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran regarding the community’s business parkinfrastructure needs. The mayor hopes he and Bobby Watts, presidentof the Board of Supervisors, can follow up that conservation with ameeting later this week with Doug Sullivan, Cochran’s state officedirector.
Massengill said an Economic Development Alliance trip toWashington is scheduled for Oct. 20 to further discussinfrastructure needs.
“We would meet with the offices of both senators (Cochran andTrent Lott) and the congressman (Chip Pickering) that day,”Massengill said.
Officials are looking to develop a 400-acre site west of thecity off Brookway Boulevard. The land purchase was completedearlier this year.
Massengill said community officials want to determine the bestroute for seeking federal funding assistance. How much would besought will depend on what direction the community pursues and howmuch in local matching funds can be committed.
“We don’t know what direction we’re going to pursue, but we’regoing to try to get as much as we can for water, sewer and roads,”Massengill said.
Regarding industrial recruitment, Massengill said he was awareof some industries and businesses south of Brookhaven that wouldlike to relocate. He did not elaborate.
“We need to move as quickly as we can on this,” Massengill saidabout park development.
With federal funding commitments geared toward Hurricane Katrinarecovery, Massengill acknowledged some concern about thepossibility of funding for projects like the business park.
“There are so many needs that are pressing and on everybody’sminds at this point,” he said.
However, he said it is important to continue to pursuefunding.
“If we don’t go and ask (for funding), nobody’s going to pick upthe phone to call and let us have it,” Massengill said.