Emergency officials say ‘be prepared’
Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 20, 2003
Being prepared in case of a disaster was the message Wednesdayas state and local emergency management officials spoke to staffand clients at the Juvenile Rehabilitation Facility.
Amy Carruth, public relations officer for the MississippiEmergency Management Agency (MEMA), and Lincoln County CivilDefense Director Clifford Galey made a brief presentation as partof Mississippi Severe Weather Awareness Week, which is Feb. 17-21.Galey said being prepared is important, not only for bad weatherand not only for JRF clients and staff.
“Everybody needs to be aware and have a plan for severe weather,homeland security or anything,” Galey said.
Carruth spoke to staff and clients about MEMA activities, havinga family disaster plan and having a disaster supply kit. The kitincludes items such as flashlights, a radio, canned foods, paperproducts, bottled water and blankets.
“If they have to survive a couple of days without emergencyassistance, they’ll be able to do that,” said Carruth, whodistributed some fun weather-related items and information to theclients.
Ramona Campbell, JRF director of security, requested Carruth’sand Galey’s appearance as an educational activity for clients atthe facility on Brookman Drive Extension. Galey said he thought theprogram was beneficial.
“I think it was good for the clients,” Galey said. “It’s goodfor outside people to come in with programs and help themunderstand.”
Campbell said it was good for clients to know about weathersafety. She said they could use it if ever needed while they are atJRF and after they are released and return home.
“They can take this home and show their families the importanceof fire drills, tornado drills and things like that,” Campbellsaid.