Obituaries for Thursday, September 25
Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 25, 2003
Laura Myrtis Jordan Hux
Services for Laura Myrtis Jordan Hux of Bogue Chitto are 11a.m., Friday, Sept. 26, at Shady Grove Baptist Church with burialin the church cemetery.
Visitation is Thursday from 5-8 p.m., at Catchings Funeral Homein McComb, and Friday from 10-11 a.m., at the church.
Mrs. Hux, 98, died Sept. 24, 2003, at South Central RegionalMedical Center in Laurel. She was born in Lincoln County on Dec.23, 1904, to Samuel Dewitt Jordan and Ella Rollins Jordan.
She was a homemaker, and had worked for Kellwood Company inMcComb for 18 years. She was the oldest member of Shady GroveBaptist Church, where she was active in many church activities,including Sunday school.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, Murphy M.Hux; two sons, Marvin Clifton Hux and C.M. Hux; three sisters, TeraCampbell, Carrie Thompson and Mary Phillips; and her brothers,Louis Jordan, Horace Jordan and Floyd Jordan.
Survivors are her daughter, Vera H. Young of Laurel; her sons,James Hux of Bogue Chitto, and Walton Hux of Natchez; her sister,Clara Magee of Baton Rouge, La.; 14 grandchildren; 26great-grandchildren; and numerous great-great-grandchildren,nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.
Memorials may be sent to Shady Grove Baptist Church, 4056 ShadyGrove Dr. SE, Bogue Chitto, MS 39629.
Bessie Jackson
Services for Bessie Jackson of Meadville are 2 p.m., Saturday,Sept. 27, at New Fork United Methodist Church with burial inMeadville Cemetery.
Visitation is Friday from noon – 5 p.m., at Tyler FuneralHome.
Mrs. Jackson, 63, died Sept. 18, 2003, in Meadville. She wasborn in Swan Lake on Jan. 4, 1940, to Ulishouse Spearman andMagelena Wheeler Spearman.
She was a retired janitor from US Forestry Service in Meadville,and a member of New Fork United Methodist Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, AaronJackson Sr.; a daughter, Alichia Jackson; a son, Aaron Jackson Jr.;two sisters; and one brother.
Survivors are her daughter, Dorothy Moore of Natchez; her sons,Henry Brown Lee of Detroit, Mich., and Leevander Jackson and JoelJackson, both of Natchez; her sisters, Jessie Atkins of Greenville,Martha Connley and Sada McLoud, both of Atlanta, Ga., DellerSpearman and Mary Lee Louis, both of Detroit, Aline Walker of St.Louis, Mo., Lillie Mae Jones and Leola Robinson, both of Cleveland,Modine Perez of Jacksonville, Fla., and Sophia Thomas of Arlington,Texas; eight grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews.
Versie Laird
Services for Versie Laird of Brookhaven are 11 a.m., Friday,Sept. 26, at Mt. Zion Church of Christ with burial in the churchcemetery. Services will be conducted by Ministers Doug Kimble andOttis Bowman. Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge ofarrangements.
Visitation is Thursday from 5-9 p.m., at the church.
Mr. Laird, 84, died Sept. 24, 2003, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. He was born in Lincoln County on Sept. 14, 1919, to GusLaird and Lela Case Laird.
He was a retired welder and oil field worker. He was a member ofMt. Zion Church of Christ, and enjoyed fishing.
Preceding him in death were his parents, four sisters and onebrother.
Survivors are his wife of 64 years, Allie Laird of Brookhaven;his sons and daughters-in-law, Alfred and Bonita Laird of SilverCreek, and Barto and Sue Laird of Brookhaven; his sister, BonnieFreeman of Brookhaven; his brother, Gus Laird Jr. of Brookhaven;five grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Mitch Laird, Mark Laird, Kenneth Jergins,Allan Ashley, Robert Laird and Dean Weeks.
Walter Leon “Dub” Prather
Services for Walter Leon “Dub” Prather of Brookhaven are 2 p.m.,Thursday, Sept. 25, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burialin Ruth Cemetery.
Mr. Prather, 70, died Sept. 23, 2003, at his residence. He wasborn in Hazlehurst on May 28, 1933, to Walter Alonzo Prather andAnalo White Prather.
He was a retired dairyman, and a member of Apostolics ofBrookhaven.
Preceding him in death were his parents; five sisters, Bonnie,Agnes, Georgia, Betty and Yvonne; and one brother, TommyPrather.
Survivors are his wife, Grace Virginia Boswell Prather ofBrookhaven; his daughters, Kathy McGuffie of Brookhaven, andVirginia Rohr of Two Rivers, Wis.; his sons, Daniel Prather, JanRay Prather and Raford Prather, all of Brookhaven, and MatthewPrather of Starkville; his daughters-in-law, Loretta, Cindy, Kimand Tammy; his sons-in-law, Danny and Wally; his sisters, VeraWalker and Lenora Rials, both of Bogue Chitto; his brothers, AltonPrather and Kenneth Prather, both of North Carolina, CarrollPrather and Hugh V. Prather, both of Brookhaven, and David Pratherof McComb; 16 grandchildren; and a number of nieces andnephews.
Pallbearers will be Bo Dunaway, Kenneth Durr, James Hall, JoshPrather, Scotty Prather, Don Townsend and Dusty Prather.