No charges in shooting case
Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 6, 2007
An altercation on Minnesota Street that led to concernedcitizens reporting shots fired in the area was classified as adisturbance Friday night after police were unable to find evidenceof a weapon.
Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said complainants DarrylBrown and Robin Windmiller were at 447 W. Minnesota St. when theysaid an acquaintance named Perry Pendleton, age and addressunavailable, came to the residence and allegedly fired shots.
Henderson said according to the incident report, Pendleton thenallegedly left the residence. When police officers located him, hedenied discharging a gun and he was not in possession of aweapon.
“The complainants have a right to file charges, but there was noevidence once we caught up with him,” he said. “So the resident canfile charges, but we can’t since we didn’t actually have first-handknowledge of the crime and there was no evidence.”
No charges have been filed in the incident.