Charles R. Jacobs
Published 7:37 pm Friday, February 26, 2010
Services for Charles Robinson Jacobs, of Brookhaven, are 4 p.m.Saturday, Feb. 27, at First United Methodist Church of Brookhaven.He will be buried on Editors’ Row in Rosehill Cemetery. Henry WareHobbs named the location where newspaper editors have been laid torest.
Visitation is Friday from 5 until 7 p.m. at Riverwood FamilyFuneral Service.
Mr. Jacobs, 91, died Feb. 24, 2010, in Brookhaven. He was born onDec. 4, 1918, in Chicago, Ill., to Charles Robinson Jacobs and AmyOrton Jacobs.
Mr. Jacobs served as owner, editor and publisher of severaldifferent newspapers including the Meredith News in Meredith, N.H.;the Wauseon Republican in Wauseon, Ohio; and The DAILY LEADER, inBrookhaven.
Mr. Jacobs was a graduate of Tome School in Port Deposit, Md. Heattended the University of Virginia before joining the service in1941, where he served in the U.S. Coast Guard.
He was a member of First United Methodist Church ofBrookhaven.
An avid boater he enjoyed cruising the waterways of Lake Michigan,Florida and the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and Lakes Pontchartrain andMaurepas near New Orleans in his beloved Calypso III. At a muchyounger age in the late 1930s, he and a group of friends ventureddown the Mississippi River on a trip from Chicago to Memphis. Thetrip was abandoned south of St Louis when the sea worthiness oftheir vessel came into question. In later years he took upfurniture making of “only fine antiques,” many built of wood fromWhitworth College and Lampton Auditorium. Numerous homes in thearea have samples of his work.
An avid traveler he ventured through all corners of the world fromAfrica, to Nepal, throughout Europe, Central and South America.Those travels brought him in contact with government officials inmany of those areas – a highlight being an interview with PrimeMinister Indira Gandhi.
A student of politics, he was interested in state and nationalpolitical matters using his regular column “Generally Speaking” topoke and prod at events of the day.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his sister, Lucy GorhamBergen, of South Glastonbury, Ct.; and an infant son, Thomas OrtonJacobs of Wauseon, Ohio.
Survivors include his wife, Patricia Patterson Jacobs, ofBrookhaven; his sons, Randall Woodruff Jacobs and wife FontaineRichbourg Jacobs, of Houston, Texas, Sheldon Truesdale Jacobs, ofJackson, and William Orton Jacobs and wife Amy, of Brookhaven; histwo grandchildren, Ann Kirkpatrick Jacobs and Meredith AlexanderJacobs, both of Brookhaven; a niece, Dale Gorham Carstens andhusband Jeffery, of South Glastonbury, Ct; and a nephew, WillettNoble Gorham and wife Judith, of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Tucson,Ariz.; and a host of grand-nieces spread across the country.