Wesson’s Freeman signs with C-L Wolves
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 6, 2006
WESSON — Senior Phillip Freeman was the tallest player on theWesson Cobra football team. Freeman, who stands 6-foot-6 and weighs270 pounds, was a force to be reckoned with on offense and defenseas a lineman for the Cobras the past three years.
On Thursday morning, Freeman signed a football scholarship toplay for the Co-Lin Wolves. The official signing date for all highschool seniors was Wednesday, Feb. 1.
“I want to go to Co-Lin to get better so I can play Division 1football,” said Freeman who believes he can play senior collegefootball. “This is the only school I would play for.”
Freeman plans to major in subjects related to becoming anathletic trainer at Co-Lin. He plans on going to a physical therapyschool.
Freeman played offensive tackle and defensive end for CoachTommy Clopton’s 5-5 Cobras. He runs a 40-yard dash in 5.0. He benchpresses 300 pounds and squats 460.
“We are excited about having Freeman with us,” said Co-Lin headfootball coach Glenn Davis. “We are counting on him on theoffensive line. We lost two good linemen to Division 1 schools. Ithink he can be just as good.”
At tackle, Freeman was graded 95 percent and was a 3-yearstarter. He was named to the 2005 MAC All-State Class 2A SecondTeam Offense at tackle and All-Region 6-2A First Team. Last year,Freeman was selected to the All-Region 6-2A First Team.
Defensively, Freeman finished his senior year with 30 solotackles and 24 assists.
“Phillip has a lot of potential,” said Wesson head footballcoach Tommy Clopton. “He has great feet and good football sense.Coach Davis can help him get to where he needs to be.
“We wish him the best. We look forward to watching him play forCo-Lin this year.”
Freeman said he will miss his teammates, whom he has playedfootball with since the seventh grade.
“I’d like to thank the coaches and my parents,” stated Freeman.”And God.”