Relief efforts are much appreciated
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 10, 2005
Dear Editor,
We are the Benit family. Displaced by Hurricane Katrina, wefound ourselves in the care of the Brookhaven community.
We do not question why all was lost or why we are here, for weknow that God is omniscient in his plans. We also know that theBrookhaven citizens have been invited to be a part of God’s planand many have responded – some with reckless abandon. We have somany we want to thank, so we found this to be our best resource todo so.
Brookhaven Academy’s facility and parents received our childrenwith careful attention. The Red Cross, National Guard, surroundingand far-reaching churches have stepped in and met various needs andcontinue to do so. Many area businesses, health care workers andanonymous donors have contributed to the needs of the evacuees.
Above all the aforementioned assistance, we want to give aspecial thanks to Easthaven Baptist Church, a beacon on a hill.Under the leadership of Stephen and Kay White, the deacons andcongregation of Easthaven guided the lives of nearly 300 evacueesthrough the turmoil to a place of stability.
Caught off guard as much as the evacuees, Easthaven, led by alabor of love, cared for our lives. They became a hub ofdistribution to neighboring churches with makeshift shelters. Withfar-sighted organization, they put their lives on hold as theytirelessly cared for the sick, the elderly and a 3-day-old infantand mother. Easthaven is committed to the end, or maybe to abeginning. Whatever the case, we are grateful to the Brookhavencommunity and to all “Brookhavens” across our great America.
Fred and Therese Benit