Main St. Memos
Published 1:36 pm Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter. What a day to celebrate.
I had a religious moment and wanted to share it with you. If youare a parent you have them too. The other day I was able to give agift to my son that all the other guys have. It wasn’t much butjust to see his self esteem go up and watch him skip off into thesunset to call his friends just made me feel all good inside. Ithought how God must feel when he blesses us with a gift and we areso happy. I am gonna thank him more!
I, along with women from all over Lincoln County, braved the cold,rain and sleet to visit with Chairperson Betty Spiller, Co-ChairLavern Edmonson and the women of Mt. Wade Church during theirwomen’s day program
The Rev. Ronnie Poole stopped by and wanted to say “thank you” toeveryone who came out to the Ministerial Alliance Revival that washeld at St. James Church and also a great big “thank you” to thecouncil, the Rev Larry Jointer, Eugene Edwards, Sam Hughes, andCharles Caston for putting it all together. Vernestine Byrd wantedto say “thank you” to everyone who participated in the 2010 TeenSummit yesterday.
Happy birthday to Eugene Taper Thompson, Ayana, Mrs. Gucci Smith,Chris Nelson, Josie Taylor (the Rev. Herring’s daughter) and theRev. Phillip Sterling.
I am now qualified to be the chauffeur for teens taking drivingexams at the highway patrol. I took Candace, my granddaughter, andthe other day I took Deshund Arnold. I want to say they like tohang out with me but it’s really the Honda.
The car and truck show has been rescheduled for next Sundayafternoon, 3 until 7 p.m. Waiting on warm weather.
Some Fridays I just like to ride and I always meet new people whohave moved into the neighborhood. This past week I stopped in atHot Spot beauty shop and barbershop on the corner of Dr. Martin L.King Jr. Drive and Monticello Street. They were having a fish fryand despite the economic conditions everyone was in great spirits.The guys, Javis Gibson, Randy Ferdnand and Chase McIntyre (AlMcIntyre’s grandson) have been cutting hair for a few months nowand the girls, Cookie Porsche Bryce and Kenyatta Bryce are gettingready to open up soon. There is also a new restaurant on the cornercalled No Limitations. It is good to see young people trying tolearn the art of self-employment.
A shout out to Chief Pap Henderson and the Brookhaven PoliceDepartment for all you do in the neighborhood. Not only do theychase bad guys they also make sure our teens are not out afterhours and deterring them from getting into trouble. A word toparents: “Be careful what you do in front of your little ones, theywill tell on you,” by Chief Henderson who recently spoke to theelementary school children about drugs and guns. I had somethoughts and had to laugh about when my kids were that age.
Have a great week!
If you have any Brookhaven area news to report, contact Rose MaryPowell at 601-695-4786 or 601-643-2929 or e-mail