Officials: Register to vote in city elections
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Brookhaven officials are encouraging new residents or those whohave moved since the last city election to register to vote.
April 2, which is 30 days before the city’s first party primaryon May 2, is the deadline for would-be voters to register. In orderto register, a resident must be at least 18 years old and havelived in the city at least 30 days.
Bonita Bullock, Brookhaven Election Commission chairwoman,encouraged those already registered to make sure they are in thecorrect voting area.
“If they’ve moved in the last four years from one ward toanother, they need to go and re-register (in their new location),”Bullock said.
Anyone looking to register should do so at the circuit clerk’soffice.
City Clerk Mike Jinks said his office will be open someadditional hours to register new voters. The office will be openuntil 7 p.m. March 29 through April 2 and from 8 a.m. until noonApril 2 for voter registration.
Bullock said having people registered in their correct votingarea will reduce potential confusion on election day.
“It cuts down on a lot of problems where you have to vote byaffidavit ballot or go from one voting place to another,” Bullocksaid. “And it’s easier on our poll workers.”
Party primary runoffs, where needed, will be May 17. The generalelection is Tuesday, June 7.