Food pantry contribution way to help people in need
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A drive by The DAILY LEADER and the Bank of Brookhaven to helpthree local food pantries is entering its final days.
The annual effort raises funds for the Brookhaven OutreachMinistries, St. Francis of Assisi/St. Vincent DePaul and Union HallBaptist Church food pantries to purchase food or to help those inneed in other ways. Funds raised will be divided among the threeorganizations.
Christmas is a time for giving.
A contribution is a way of sharing a blessing with those lessfortunate. The food pantry effort can help those in need not onlyduring the holiday season but throughout the year.
Please consider giving to the food pantry drive. Donations maybe made at the Bank of Brookhaven or at The DAILY LEADER’s businessoffice.