Lady Panthers maul McComb
Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 13, 2001
The host Brookhaven Lady Panthers whipped the McComb Lady Tigers10-4 in Region 6-4A slowpitch softball action at the SportsComplex. Mandy Vinson (7-5, 1-0) was the winning pitcher.
The host Brookhaven Lady Panthers whipped the McComb Lady Tigers10-4 in Region 6-4A slowpitch softball action at the SportsComplex. Mandy Vinson (7-5, 1-0) was the winning pitcher.
Powering the Lady Panthers at the plate with a double and twosingles was Devine Porter. Chiquita Rancifer tripled and singled.Collecting two singles apiece were Lizzi Wilson and JaRanda Moore.Chuvaquah Smith, Samantha Boutwell, Ginny Dunaway and Ashley Sykeshit safely.
In the junior varsity game, Brookhaven was led to the win onMoore’s home run. Winning pitcher Taylor Crane (6-0) singled threetimes. Kirstein Johnson hit a triple and a double. Laura Waldropsingled twice. Rachel Blair, Sykes, Brittany Smith and Vinsonsingled.
Brookhaven visits Bogue Chitto Sept. 20.