Newspaper survey extended to Sept. 30
Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 30, 2001
Time isn’t quite up for those wanting to express their opinionsabout The DAILY LEADER on a national Internet survey. In fact, thedeadline to participate has been extended by National NewspaperAssociation and Pulse Research.
Bill Jacobs, editor and publisher of The DAILY LEADER, announcedWednesday that the deadline is now Sept. 30.
The research company decided it needed to extend the deadline tocompile more complete results for the more than 100 newspapersparticipating in the research surveys, Jacobs said.
The purpose for The DAILY LEADER survey, which can be accessedat or at, is toallow readers to help make the newspaper the most effective forreaders in Lincoln, Franklin, Lawrence and Copiah Counties.
“We encourage our readers to participate in the survey,” Jacobssaid.
Readers will be able to not only help create a better newspaper,but also have a chance at winning cash prizes totaling $5,000 fromPulse Research, the agency responsible for the nationwidesurvey.
In appreciation for completing the survey, which takes onlyabout 10 minutes, participants will be entered in a drawing for afirst prize of $3,000, a $1,000 second price and $500 each forthird and fourth.
The survey is secure and private with all information remainingconfidential.
Readers will answer questions about what they enjoy and whatthey would like to see change about The DAILY LEADER. Readers arealso allowed to express their criticism.
Although no one at the newspaper will be allowed to seeindividual responses, since they are all handled by the researchcompany, the survey will provide crucial, candid information aboutthe newspaper’s strengths and weaknesses that will allow editors tobetter analyze the paper, Jacobs said.
“Every day we make editorial decisions in assigning and choosingstories, which we feel our readers are interested,” he said. “Inputfrom our readers will help us know our readers better andunderstand their reading habits.”
Once the survey period ends Sept. 30, Pulse Research willtabulate the results and send them to The DAILY LEADER. Alldepartments will then make efforts to meet the needs ofreaders.