Construction work prompts parking changes
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 9, 2007
As the massive construction project to build a new EmergencyRoom and Intensive Care Unit begins in the coming weeks, King’sDaughters Medical Center is asking the public for patience withparking changes starting this week.
The biggest change will occur in the back parking lot of thehospital, where the actual construction site will be located.
Almost 30 parking spots will be lost when construction fencingis placed near the current Emergency Room. A parking area will bedesignated for patients entering the Emergency Room and parkingwill also be reserved for employees entering the backside of thebuilding.
Emergency Room parking for patients will also be available infront of the Education Annex, including handicapped parking, whilethe current spots just outside the ER door will be closed so thatthe space can be kept clear for ambulances pulling up to theER.
Another difference regarding traffic flow involves entering theback parking lot from both Biglane and Brookman Drives. The firstentrance into the rear parking lot from Biglane Drive will beclosed to the public, since it is closest to the current physicianparking area and will remain for physicians.
Patients will now be directed to enter through the seconddriveway, which is located directly across from the Moak-MassengillClinic. Meanwhile, the entrance from Brookman Drive behind thehospital will be reserved as an ambulance entrance and forshipping/receiving.
“The entrance drive that patients have been currently using toget to the ER will actually be blocked off with constructionfencing, so they will have to go a few more feet to get to thatsecond entrance for parking,” said Phillip Grady, hospital CEO. “Wejust ask that patients, visitors and employees bear with us as wemove forward with this project, because it will be a temporaryinconvenience but one with a great result.”
With less parking in the rear parking lot, additional parkingspots in the front parking lot and alongside Biglane Drive will besought by visitors and patients looking for spaces.
The hospital will post signage at each entrance of the rearparking lot at the beginning of this week to direct traffic.Signage and new parking diagrams will be also posted inside thebuilding for viewing .
Additionally, Grady said added security will patrol the rearparking lot 24 hours a day, seven days a week – at least for aperiod of time – to provide some personal assistance for thoseentering the parking lot.
The hospital will host a groundbreaking ceremony for theconstruction project Thursday at 3 p.m. in the rear parkinglot.
“This project has been in the process of development for severalyears and we are excited about what this finished project will meanfor the community that our hospital serves,” Grady said.