Obituaries for Sunday, June 19, 2005
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 20, 2005
Norma Brister
Services for Norma Brister, of Wesson, were 11 a.m., Saturday,June 18, at Stringer Family Funeral Services Chapel in Hazlehurstwith burial in Spring Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Brister, 75, died June 16, 2005, at her residence.
She was a member of Spring Hill Baptist Church.
Survivors are her husband, Bennie Brister; her sons, EddieBrister, Jerry Brister, and Glen Brister, all of Wesson; herdaughters, Gail Creely of Birmingham, Ala., and Susan Foster ofClinton; her brothers, Gene Methvin of Byram, Lonnie Methvin ofHouston, Texas, and Tommie Methvin of Pleasant Hill; her sisters,Jimmie McGuffie, of Vicksburg, and Mary Keup, of Crystal Springs;10 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Carrie Belle Case
Services for Carrie Belle Case of Brookhaven are 2 p.m., Monday,June 20, at Macedonia Baptist Church with burial in the churchcemetery.
Visitation is Sunday from 5-9 p.m., at Riverwood Family FuneralService Chapel.
Mrs. Case, 86, died June 18, 2005, at Beverly Health Care. Shewas born on Oct. 16, 1918.
She was a retired Loyd Star cafeteria employee. She was a lifemember of Macedonia Baptist Church.
Preceding her in death were her first husband, Shelton H. Case;her second husband, Edgar Case; a step-son, Jerry Case; fivebrothers, Clinton, Cleveland, Robert, Earl and J.W. Case; and asister, Elsie Case Covington.
Survivors are her son and daughter-in-law, Harry S. and BrendaCase of Brookhaven; her daughters and sons-in-law, Carolyn and LynnCoke, and Norma Jean and Milton Dyson, all of Brookhaven; herbrothers and sisters-in-law, Bennon and Bobbie Case, and Alton andMinnie Case, all of Brookhaven; her sisters and brothers-in-law,Mary Lou and John S. Smith, and Lois and Ervin Smith, all ofBrookhaven; her grandchildren, Tealy Case Ballard and Jeffery Case,both of Brookhaven; her great-grandchildren andgreat-grandchild-in-law, Chase Ballard of Brookhaven, and Bridgetand Christopher Thompson of Sontag; her great-great-grandchild,Lane Thompson of Sontag; her step-grandson and his wife, Tim andWanda Coke of Brookhaven; her step-granddaughters and theirhusbands, Jeffery and Leight Hollman, and Hayden and HaelleHollman, all of Utah; and her step-great-granddaughter and herhusband, Wade and Dana Hester of Brookhaven.
John Edward Lewis
Services for John Edward Lewis, of Marrero, La., formerly ofBrookhaven, are 11 a.m., Tuesday, June 21, at Williams MortuaryChapel with burial in Rose Hill Church Cemetery.
Visitation is Monday from 12-6 p.m., at the funeral home.
Mr. Lewis, 68, died June 14, 2005, at his residence. He was bornon Nov. 20, 1936, to Robert Lewis and Gracie Lewis.
He was a self-employed truck driver and heavy machine operator.He was a member of Greater St. Stephens Church in New Orleans,La.
Preceding him in death were his parents; a daughter, PatriciaMcCauley; a son, Bruce Washington; two brothers, Raymond Lewis andJeffery Lewis; and two sisters, Mary Joyce Lewis and BessieLewis.
Survivors are his wife, Ruthie Mae Merchant-Lewis, ofBrookhaven; his daughters and son-in-law, Lennie Lewis-Bracey ofBrookhaven, Cynthia Brown, Angela Brown, and Sandra and VincentBrown, all of Chicago, Ill.; his son and daughter-in-law, Larry andCassandra Washington of Brookhaven; his sisters, Pinkie Mae Bowmanand Diane Lewis, both of Brookhaven, and Sarah Robinson, AnnieEdwards, and Catherine Lewis, all of Bogue Chitto; his brothers andsisters-in-law, R.T. and Christine Lewis, Charlie and Rita Lewis,and Jerry Lewis, all of Brookhaven, and Fred and Janice Lewis,Calvin and Gail Lewis, James and Margaret Lewis, and Rufus andLorraine Lewis, all of Bogue Chitto; 20 grandchildren; and eightgreat-grandchildren.
Glendon Frank Menna
Services for Glendon Frank Menna of Monticello are 11 a.m.,Tuesday, June 21, at Lawrence Co. High School Multi-PurposeBuilding with burial in Old Biloxi Cemtery in Biloxi.
Visitation is Monday from 5-9 p.m., at Wilson Funeral Home.
Mr. Menna, 60, died June 18, 2005, at Wesley Medical Center. Hewas born in Mississippi on May 27, 1945, to Frank Albert Menna andCamelia Ryan Menna.
He was a school teacher for Lawrence County High School inMonticello. He was a member of the Catholic faith. He was a veteranof the Air Force. He had completed high school and six years ofcollege. He devoted time to the young people of Lawrence Countythrough the Beta, Drama, and Forensics clubs of Lawrence CountyHigh School.
Preceding him in death were his parents; and two brothers, LloydHilton and Bill Menna.
Survivors are his brother, Robert Menna Sr. of Biloxi; hissister, Karen Tharpe of Biloxi; numerous nieces and nephews; andspecial friends Tom and Rose Slay of Monticello.