Board approves bid for work on new BPD home
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Brookhaven Police Department is now one step closer tohaving a new facility after the Board of Aldermen Tuesday accepteda bid for renovations on the old Mississippi Highway Patrolsubstation.
Scarborough Construction’s bid was the lowest of three bids thatranged from $275,000 to $324,000. Mayor Bob Massengill said thecompany also currently handling renovations on the Boys & GirlsClub, and will be working with all local subcontractors.
The new police station will be located in the old MississippiHighway Patrol building on Highway 51. The current radio tower andexisting phone system will be moved to the structure as well.
The only thing not covered by Scarborough’s bid is a generatorand transfer switch which city officials plan to obtain through aHomeland Security grant.
“We want to be able to run this facility for an extended periodof time in case of a power outage,” Massengill said.
City Clerk Mike Jinks said the city has already spent around$12,500 on the project. He said the budget would need to beadjusted as the city moves forward.
City Public Works Director Steve Moreton advised the board thatcity workers and jail trustys had already done the demolition ofall the duct work and the bathrooms, as well as taking the ceilingsand cabinets out of the old MHP building.
“The majority of what’s left is inside work,” Moreton said.
Moreton added that Scarborough, from Franklin County, is a goodchoice for the work because they will be using localsubcontractors. The company plans to work with Laird Electric, RossJackson, and Comfort Zone.
“With winter coming on, their being close will be a plus, andI’ve talked to (Police Chief) Pap (Henderson) and he’s anxious toget to work,” Moreton said.
There is also a smaller modular building in the back of the lotthat Moreton said the investigators may use for some of their work.A room that currently has metal roll-up doors will be bricked infor security and used as an evidence room.
“So this should satisfy our need for a new police department fora long time to come,” said Alderman at large Les Bumgarner.
Massengill said the project is hoped to be finished and thepolice department relocated by the end of the fiscal year nextSeptember.
In other business, the board also met with representatives fromthree engineering firms about doing all the water and sewer workfor the city in the new annexation area, which city officials haveacknowledged will be a huge undertaking.
The three firms, Neel-Schaffer Inc., Pickering (formerlyEngineering Associates, Inc.), and Williford Gearhart & Knighteach made six-minute presentations followed by questions from theboard.
Massengill told the aldermen to take the form given to them atthe meeting and fill it out before the next meeting. Ward SixAlderman Buddy Allen and Ward Three Alderwoman Mary Wilson were notpresent at the meeting, so Massengill indicated that they would besent copies of the video taken of the meeting to make sure theycould make an informed decision as well.
“Think about it, talk about it amongst each other, talk to me orSteve (Moreton) or (Water Department Superintendent) Lanny(Dickey),” he said.
Massengill said the board will further the discussion at thenext meeting on Dec. 18.