Dr. Franklin Edwin Moak Sr.
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 23, 2002
Services for Dr. Franklin Edwin Moak Sr. of Oxford and Summitare 2 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, at First Presbyterian Church inOxford with burial in Oxford Memorial Cemetery. Waller Funeral Homeis in charge of arrangements.
Dr. Moak, 76, died April 20, 2002, at Baptist MemorialHospital-North Mississippi. He was born in Bogue Chitto. He was agraduate of Central High School in Jackson. He received hisbachelor’s degree from the University of Mississippi and hismaster’s and doctorate degrees from Columbia University.
He was retired as Dean of Student Personnel and Professor ofHigher Education at the University of Mississippi. He was a memberof First Presbyterian Church in Oxford, where he was an elder andformer Sunday school teacher. He was national president of St.Anthony Hall-Delta Psi, was a member of the Rotary Club, and was aPaul Harris Fellow. He was an officer in the Army during the KoreanWar, serving stateside.
Preceding him in death were his first wife, Dr. Helen HutchcraftMoak; and his son, Franklin Edwin Moak Jr.
Survivors are his wife, Jessie Mae Planchard Moak of Summit andOxford; his sons, Andrew David Moak of Oxford and James HutchcraftMoak of Oakland, Calif.; his stepson, Philip Gordon Planchard Jr.of Fernwood; his daughters, Polly Ann Moak of Eugene, Ore., AmandaWinn Moak Kinnaird of Bethesda, Md., and Elizabeth Wadsworth Moakof Jackson; his stepdaughters, Marilyn Holmes and Sybil Holmes,both of Tylertown, and Cynthia Laird of Lumberton; his brothers,Paul Moak Sr. and Andy Moak, both of Jackson; and sixgrandchildren, nine stepgrandchildren, and threestep-great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made in care of Michael Jacobsen, Rotary ClubPresident, 205 Woodland Dr., Oxford, MS.