Main St. Memos
Published 6:15 pm Tuesday, January 26, 2010
It is great weather we are having.
A special happy 93rd birthday to M.C. Byrd from your daughterDebbie and to Lena Pope, of Bethel Church, Barbara Rockingham andJulius Bass Jr.
Congratulations to Steven Keys founder of CafeA+ on receiving theJessie Buie award at the Dr King Celebration. Keys took on theproject of rebuilding the teen center a few years ago and he is tobe admired for his determination to keep the project growing.. Theyare almost ready for opening and can use some help on the first andthird Saturdays.
I have $5 tickets to win the scooter donated by Brookhaven Hondathat will be given away at the Missississippi Scholars’ banquetthis year. All of the ticket sales will go directly to the studentsfor scholarships.
The ‘O’ Foundation wants to thank everyone who participated anddonated to the 2009 VIP Awards honoring the Jacobs Family. Weraised $4,000 dollars and $1,000 for charity projects afterexpenses were paid. We also donated $500 to MississippiScholars.
A great big thank you to Chief Pap Henderson, Mayor Les Bumgarner,Rep. Becky Currie, Aldermen Dorsey Cameron and Terry Bates forriding in the parade to the Dr. King Celebration. We pray the ridegrows with each coming year and more attractions can be added. Nextyear’s plans are being put into motion to have meetings withresidents on Dr. Martin L. King Jr. to help with the festivitiesand beautification.
Helen Epps, bus driver for Lincoln County schools, wanted to remindeverybody to please stop for the bus when the stop sign is out orif the bus is stopped. She has witnessed a number of close callsdriving this year where the little ones almost got ran over becausethe oncoming traffic is not stopping.
Lee Anthony (Buck Williams) came into the restaurant the other daywith Merlyn Littleton who looks great. Buck is trying to decide tomove to Ole Brook after years of living in Moss Point. His motherCostella Williams resides at the Silver Cross Nursing Home.
The Rev. Bruce Smith wants to thank everyone who came out andsupported the singing program to raise monies for his wifeBarbara
Carolyn Byrd wants to thank everyone for participating in thesuccessful health fair at St. Paul Church. Clothes were given awayalong with free health screenings.
A correction on last weeks column: I meant to say a happy birthdayto Mary Cain Townsend and Edna Woods who celebrated her 80thbirthday on New Year’s Day.
The chamber of commerce wants everyone to call the MississippiHouse of Representatives to help keep The Mississippi School of theArts here in Brookhaven.
A reminder of this weekends activities starting with Dr. MarilynDow-Harris inviting everyone to the Delta Ball in McComb.
If you have any Brookhaven area news to report, contact RoseMary Powell at (601) 718-6054 or e-mail