2010 census shows moderate growth
Published 7:00 pm Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The 10 years that passed between 1999 and 2009 made LincolnCounty a little older, a little wiser and a little wealthier,according to the early results of the 2010 census.
Lincoln County’s population now numbers 34,315, a 3.46 percentincrease of 1,149 souls over the 2000 tally of 33,166. White peoplemake up the majority of the population, with 23,519, a number thatgrew by 149 in the past decade. The county’s black population grewmore significantly, adding 686 souls, an increase of 6.52 percent.The Hispanic population edged forward by 43 people for a total of272, or 0.8 percent of the county.
Of the total population, 17,825 – 51.9 percent – of thepopulation is female, with 16,490 males making up 48.1 percent.
The median age of Lincoln County citizens is 37.3 years old, anincrease of 1.5 years over the median age of 35.8 years old adecade ago. Citizens 18 and up constitute 74.2 percent of thepopulation at 25,460 strong, while those 65 and up number 4,875, or14.2 percent. The number of those 65 and older has grown since1999, when the total was 4,626, or 13.9 percent.
The percentage of Lincoln County households contained marriedcouples with children under 18 is 21.8 percent, a decrease of 3.9percent from 1999.
The county’s labor force has grown over the last 10 years. Thenumber of people 16 and up classified as part of the labor forcenow numbers 14,620, 55.7 percent of the population. The number isbigger than 1999’s total of 14,169 by 451 souls, though thepercentage of the population the labor force constituted then wasslightly larger at 56 percent.
Those members of the workforce enjoyed higher pay in 2009, asfamily and per capita income levels saw healthy increases.
The current median family income for Lincoln County is $44,726,an increase of more than $11,000 over the 2009 total of $33,552.The county’s per capita income – the average earnings of everyperson in the county – is up by $6,100 over last decade’s $13,961,now standing at $20,147.
Conversely, 20.5 percent of Lincoln County citizens – more than7,000 people – were below the poverty level during the last 12months.
More and more members of the labor force are driving a long wayto find work. The current mean travel time to work is 31.7 minutes,an increase over the 2000 total of 30.5 minutes.
The higher wages and longer drives could be the result ofopportunities brought on by higher education, an area in whichLincoln County has improved over the last 10 years.
Eighty percent of county citizens age 25 and up have completed ahigh school diploma, an increase of 0.8 percent over 1999’snumbers. Likewise, 16.3 percent of those 25 and up have completedwork on a bachelor’s degree, a jump of 3.9 percent over lastdecade’s total.
Lincoln County compares well against its neighboring counties inSouthwest Mississippi, leading the way in economiccharacteristics.
Lincoln County’s median family income of $44,726 is bestcompared to Adams, Copiah, Franklin, Lawrence and Pike counties,and its per capita income of $20,147 is second only to FranklinCounty.
Copiah County’s median family income totals $43,681, withLawrence County following at $42,465. Pike County’s number in thesame category is $39,848, while Franklin County totals $39,756.Adams County brings up the rear with $35,700.
Franklin County leads in per capita income, however, with$21,866, more than $1,000 better than Lincoln County’s $20,147.Lawrence County follows with $18,606, with Adams County coming inat $18,479. Pike County is next at $17,385. Copiah County has thelowest per capita income of the six counties with $16,720.
The largest labor force in the area belongs to Pike County,which has 16,428 people age 16 and up ready to work. LincolnCounty’s 14,667 ranks second, while Adams County’s 13,627 is third.Copiah County’s 12,337 is fourth. The 16-and-up workforces ofLawrence and Franklin counties are far smaller, numbering 5,608 and3,384, respectively.
Pike County has the largest overall population with 39,606, atotal that grew by 666 souls since 1999’s total of 38,940. LincolnCounty’s 34,315 is second, with Adams County’s 31,475 third. AdamsCounty has lost 2,855 people since 1999.
Copiah County’s total population stands at 29,150 a gain of 393souls since the count stood at 28,757 in 1999. Lawrence County nowcontains 13,258 people, a number unchanged in the last 10 years.Franklin County is smallest, with 8,287 souls, 161 less people thanlived around the Homochitto in 1999.
Adams County is the oldest county among the six, with a medianage of 40.8 years old. Franklin County ranks second with a medianage of 40.6. Lawrence County ranks third with a median age of 37.5years old, and Lincoln’s 37.3 years old is fourth. Pike County’smedian age is 36.1 years old, and Copiah County is youngest at 35.1years old.