Daily Leader takes home 26 MPA awards
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 28, 2008
Staff members of The DAILY LEADER’s Advertising and Graphicsdepartments captured 26 awards Friday in the Advertising Divisionof the Mississippi Press Association’s Better NewspaperContest.
The staff won first place for Advertising Excellence in theDaily Division C category, for newspapers with circulations under9,000. Also included in the total were nine awards, including threefirst place honors, in categories in which all newspapers in thestate competed.
“I’m very proud of our advertising and graphics departments forthe awards they’ve won. These awards are confirmation of theexcellent work they do for the newspaper and for our advertisers,”said William O. Jacobs, publisher. “I’m also appreciative to ouradvertisers for giving us the opportunity to help them promotetheir businesses and other activities.”
In categories involving all daily newspapers, first place awardswent to Carrie Bergeron and the Graphics department for BestClassified Page or Section; to Carol Teasley and Jimmie Cain forBest Display Classified; and to David Culpepper and Jason Reevesfor Best Online Advertisement.
Second place awards went to Glynna Broxson and Cain for BestDisplay Classified and to the Graphics department for Best House Ad- Web site.
Third place awards went to Debbie Keene and Reeves for BestDisplay Classified; to Reeves for Best House Ad – Retail; to thestaff for Best Overall Newspaper Promotion; and to Broxson and Cainfor Best Pre-Print/Specialty Design.
In competition against other newspapers in the Daily Division Ccategory, DAILY LEADER honors included:
* First place, Best Service Ad, Black and White – Teasley andReeves
* First place, Best Retail Ad, Spot or Process Color – JocelynJackson and Broxson.
* First place, Best Institutional Ad – Teasley and Jackson.
* First place, Best Grocery or Restaurant Ad – Teasley andJackson.
* First place, Best Small Space Ad – Broxson
* First place, Best Series of Ads – Teasley and Jackson.
* Second place, Best Auto Ad, Black and White – Keene andReeves
* Second place, Best Auto Ad, Spot or Process Color – Keene andCain.
* Second place, Best Political Ad, Spot or Process Color – Keeneand Cain.
* Second place, Best Series of Ads – Keene and Reeves.
* Third place, Best Institutional Ad, Black and White – Keeneand Cain.
* Third place, Best Political Ad, Black and White – Broxson andReeves.
* Third place, Best Auto Ad, Black and White – Keene andReeves.
* Third place, Best Institutional Ad, Spot or Process Color -Keene and Reeves.
* Third place, Best Retail Sales Promotion Section – Staff
* Third place, Best Service Ad, Spot or Process Color -Culpepper and Reeves.