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Delphi marks production of 10M auto components

Published 5:00 am Monday, April 27, 2009

Not all manufacturers have been able to survive the turmoil of asagging national economy, but at Brookhaven’s Delphi PackardElectric Systems facility, employees are still making parts …lots of parts.

During a special ceremony last Wednesday, plant manager RobertNye temporarily halted work at the plant and gathered employeesaround an assembly line to witness the production of the plant’s 10millionth bussed electric center – a component used by several automanufacturers – since 2006.

“It was a great day for the plant – a milestone for us toachieve,” he said. “Building the 10 millionth BEC was prettyexciting for everyone in the plant.”

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Nye said employees began counting down to 10 million as BECsrolled off the plant’s seven assembly lines. The lines were stoppedone-by-one, he said, until the 10 millionth part was identified andready for final assembly.

“All the people were standing around watching it come down theline,” Nye said.

Nye pointed out the plant’s workforce is composed of “new”employees, hired in 2006 when most of the plant’s workers chose aseverance package in a company-wide economic crisis. To reach their10 millionth BEC, the three-year employees have produced 3.3million components annually.

“The Brookhaven accomplishment establishes Delphi as the clearand undisputed leader in PCB Electrical Centers,” Delphi ManagingDirector Kevin Heigel said in a statement.

Delphi spokeswoman Barb Barkley pointed out the Brookhavenfacility’s successful track record within the company. The facilitywon the Delphi Quality Award and the Delphi PackardElectrical/Electronic Architecture Quality, Volume, Cost Gold Awardin the second half of 2008.

“I think just working as a team and really being committed totheir work is how they got to (10 million),” she said. “This planthas received numerous awards… in terms of quality.”

The good news associated with the 10 millionth BEC produced inBrookhaven may soon be overshadowed by further woes in theautomotive industry on which Delphi depends. General Motors – theauto manufacturer from which Delphi was born – announced plans lastweek to shut down 13 facilities across the nation for as many as 11weeks this summer.

Barkley said Delphi officials are still assessing the potentialimpact of GM’s closing on the company. Delphi Packard cutproduction nationwide last June, a restructuring that resulted inthe termination of the third shift at the Brookhaven facility.