City will seek grant for old MHP building work

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Brookhaven officials hope to use a combination of grant fundsand local money to upgrade the old Mississippi Highway Patrolsubstation for use as the Police Department headquarters.

Architect Michael Barranco estimated the renovation would costalmost $275,000, Mayor Bob Massengill told aldermen last night. Hesuggested the city apply for a $150,000 Small Muncipalities Grantand include $125,000 for the renovation in next year’s budget.

“Our likelihood of getting this grant application approved is alot greater if we put in some money ourselves,” Massengillsaid.

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Massengill said the grant application deadline is June 30 andgrant writer Wood Sample planned to submit it June 29. The mayorsaid officials should know about approval in August around budgettime.

In exchange for a land purchase, the city obtained the MHPbuilding after a new MHP substation opened on Highway 84 in2002.

Massengill said the building on Highway 51 cannot be occupied asit is now. A new roof and other improvements would be part of therenovation for the Police Department.

“We’re going to have to spend money to upgrade the buildinganyway,” Massengill said. “This will make it first rate.”

Police Chief Pap Henderson, who was not at last night’s meeting,was hopeful the grant application would be funded.

“It would really benefit the Police Department as far as givingus the room we need,” Henderson said about renovation plans.

In a related matter, Brookhaven-Lincoln County Civil DefenseDirector Clifford Galey proposed using the city’s $29,000 HomelandSecurity grant funds and a portion of the county’s money topurchase a new radio system for the city Police Department.Currently, Galey said, the department cannot communicate with othercity and county emergency services.

“This is going to let them operate in the annexation area andhave more coverage,” Galey said.

When needed in the past, Henderson said the Police Departmenthas communicated with other agencies by dispatch services or by thetelephone.

“It’s something we really need in Lincoln County and the City ofBrookhaven,” Henderson said about the new radio equipment. “We’vegot to come up into today’s society.”

As part of the deal, Galey said the Civil Defense office wouldreceive the old police radio equipment. While he has county-widecommunication capability, Galey said the equipment would be abenefit to his office.