Tax assessor candidates look at qualifications
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Editor’s Note: Today The DAILY LEADER concludesa special question-and-answer series with candidates in someimportant upcoming county elections. Featured today is the race fortax assessor and collector. Only one candidate, Republican DanWallace, chose not to participate.
What qualifications do you have that should make voterschoose you over your opponents?
Rita Goss: My education, accounting andfinancial experience makes me the best candidate for Lincoln CountyTax Assessor/Collector. I have a degree in data processing and haveextensive computer skills. I have 20 years of professional officeexperience in a leadership role. I am willing to put thisexperience to work for the people of Lincoln County. In publicoffice there should be an appropriate balance between knowing howto get the job done and knowing how to provide the people of thecounty with friendly, personal service; one cannot maintain a highlevel of service without the other.
I have the education, experience, communication skills andquality management skills needed to operate the office of LincolnCounty Tax Assessor/Collector.
Nancy Jordan: I have learned the job from theground up, having 18 years experience working in the county taxassessor and collector’s office. The last three and a half years asLincoln County’s Tax Assessor and Collector, I have beenresponsible for all aspects of running the office. I have theexperience, insight and integrity needed for this office.
Sixteen years experience as a certified appraiser with theMississippi State Tax Commission.
I successfully completed two courses, “Principles and Techniquesof Cadastral Mapping” and “Fundamentals of Real PropertyAppraisal,” with the International Association of AssessingOfficers.
I protected Homestead Exemption for Lincoln County taxpayers bybringing the county land rolls into compliance with state law, asmandated by the Mississippi Tax Commission. All counties will haveto update every four years. The next update for Lincoln County isfor the year 2005.
I put a computerized bookkeeping system in place to help protectthe county’s money from embezzlement, which also included a dailygeneral ledger and check balance system.
I initiated the use of computer drop receipts to avoid longwaiting periods while saving the county labor hours.
This office received an unqualified opinion from the last stateaudit, which means we had a clean audit and we are in compliancewith all state laws and regulations.
Explain what you would do to ensure this county officeis operated in the most efficient and cost effectivemanner.
Rita Goss: I will be available to the people,first to listen to their concerns and/or clarify any pastdiscrepancies.
I will meet or exceed all requirements by the State Auditor’sOffice to maintain cash journals and reconcile them to the bankaccounts.
I foresee implementing ideas from previously acquired “TotalQuality Management Courses,” thus having appropriate personnel forpeak hours and days.
I will implement, at no cost to the county, an employeerecognition program promoting efficiency and top quality service tothe people of Lincoln County.
I will convey a morally acceptable appearance and attitude whilerepresenting the office of Lincoln County Tax Assessor/Collector,whether at work or away.
I will ensure that your property is assessed appropriately, thuseliminating high volumes of rework by essential office personneland unnecessary conflicts for property owners.
Being tax assessor/collector, one is responsible for setting theoffice budget and it being approved by the board of supervisors. Asthe responsible party, I will meet all budget requirements deemedappropriate from said board.
Nancy Jordan: I will continue my dedication tothe people of Lincoln County with well-skilled employees in afriendly environment.
I will continue to cross-train all employees for each positionso that the absence of one employee would not cause a workstoppage.
I will encourage the local county government to assess the needto hire a full-time certified residential appraiser, rather thanbid these services.