Leaders finalize walking trail route
Published 5:00 am Friday, March 30, 2007
Work will soon begin to create a multi-use trail at City Park onHartman Street.
City officials met with engineers and grant providers Wednesdayat the park to sign the final papers and to mark the half-miletrail.
The 10-foot wide paved trail can be used for walking, biking,skating, jogging or any other non-motorized activity.
Jeff Dungan, whose Dungan Engineering firm was contracted for thearchitectural design of the track, said crews could beginconstructing the trail in two weeks.
Construction crews have four months on the contract to complete thetrail, but a Greenbriar Digging Service project supervisor said itshould only take days to complete once work has begun. The projectcould take longer with weather delays, however.
Officials agreed Wednesday to shorten the paved trail’s originalproposed length of one mile to a half-mile because of fundingshortfalls.
However, Dungan and Paul Collins, a chief projects officer for thePearl River Basin Development District, said the change wouldactually benefit the park.
“I think that’s going to work better, I really do,” Dungansaid.
The shortened trail eliminates a loop behind the tennis courts thathad some officials concerned with safety. The trail would haveskirted the court and walkers could have been struck by erranttennis balls.
“We can always lengthen it later if we want,” said Terry Reid,director of the city’s recreation department.
Officials received good news Wednesday when Collins told the boardthe PRBDD would fund half of the city’s local matching fund for theproject.
The trail is being funded through a Department of Wildlife,Fisheries and Parks Recreation Trails Program grant that willprovide 80 percent of the total cost of $92,600. PRBDD’s decisionmeans the city will only have to fund approximately 10 percent ofthe trail’s total cost.
“This is going to really add to the park,” Reid said.
Once the trail is complete, the recreation department will addapproximately seven exercise stations. The exercise stationequipment was funded through private donations, with the citybuilding the concrete slabs.
“We’re excited about the fact the recreation department will beable to provide the walking trail,” said Mayor Bob Massengill. “Weall know how important exercise is and this will be in a safeenvironment. We feel people will really benefit from it.”
The recreation department is presently pursuing lights for the parkand trail, Reid said.
“We’re going to get it lit,” he said confidently.