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Law hopes for quiet, safe holiday

Published 5:00 am Monday, July 3, 2000

In an effort to make sure residents of Lincoln County have anenjoyable Fourth of July, law enforcement agencies are urgingresidents to be safe while participating in holiday activities.

“We would like to see everyone have a very beautiful Fourth ofJuly, but we don’t want people to drink and drive, and we wanteveryone to buckle up,” said Brookhaven Assistant Police ChiefArlustra “Pap” Henderson.

Other authorities were in agreement, saying that abiding by thelaws will help bring cheer to the holiday.

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A tragic holiday is often the result of negligent actions, suchas drinking too much alcohol, not using seat belts or beingcareless with fireworks, said authorities.

“We want everyone to buckle up and not drink and drive so we cankeep this district fatality free,” said James Lambert, a spokesmanfor the Mississippi Highway Patrol.

Lincoln County Sheriff Lynn Boyte pointed out how drinking maybe common on holidays, but he urges residents to veer away fromalcohol because it too often has a negative result.

“My first choice would be to let the stuff alone, but if peopledo drink they need to stay home and not be on the road,” saidBoyte.

Authorities see alcohol-related accidents frequently, and theyknow holidays increase the risk.

“It being a national holiday, there’s a lot more traffic on theroad, so the chances of having an accident increase,” saidBoyte.

According to authorities, the heightened chance should serve asa reminder for people to wear a safety belt at all times while in avehicle.

Authorities are planning to also serve as a reminder byincreasing patrols during the holiday.

“We’ve got extra men out working the roads making sure thehighways are safe,” said Lambert.

While law enforcement agencies always strive to keep roadwayssafe, they are hoping tactics like road blocks will serve as vitalaides in their efforts Monday and Tuesday.

Authorities will be looking for intoxicated drivers and makingarrests for those violations. They hope people will realize howmuch trouble they can incur by drinking and driving.

The fine for driving under the influence (DUI), first offense is$630, while a second offense jumps the fine to $1,130. A third DUIis a felony and can result in various penalties.

The dangers surrounding fireworks are also being addressed byofficials. Henderson said the police department will be remindingpeople that using fireworks inside the city limits is illegal.

While law enforcement agencies will be patrolling the roads forpeople breaking the law, they know they cannot be everywhere at theright so they are asking for the help from local residents.

Anyone who witnesses a violation of the law should call 9-1-1 orthe proper agency:

Brookhaven Police Department: 833-2424

Mississippi Highway Patrol: 833-7811

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department: 833-5231.