One facing counterfeit money charge
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 2, 2001
MONTICELLO — When the occasional counterfeit money scamsurfaces in the area, law enforcement officials remind storeownersto keep a look out for fake money, just as a food mart employee didover the weekend.
An Andy’s Food Mart clerk wasn’t fooled Saturday when handed two$20 bills that were a far cry from real, according to MonticelloPolice Captain David Stanley.
“It was easy to tell they were counterfeit,” Stanley said. “Youcould probably determine that from 200 yards away.”
Shannon Burkhart, 27, of 334 Fifth Street, was arrested andcharged with attempting to pass counterfeit money immediately afterthe 6:30 p.m. incident, according to police reports.
Burkhart allegedly reproduced the money using a computer or copymachine and it is unlikely anymore were made, Stanley remarked.
“I don’t think this is a widespread problem. Because of the waythey looked, I think it was probably just printed off a computer,”he added.
Stanley complimented the alertness of the Andy’s Food Martemployee, and the employee’s ability to detain the subject untilauthorities arrived.
Although authorities believe the incident was an isolated one,they encourage local business owners and employees to call thepolice department at 587-7732 if they suspect counterfeit moneybeing used to make purchases.
“It can be hard to spot sometimes, so they need to always belooking for it,” Stanley said.
Burkhart is being held in the Lawrence County jail, awaiting abond hearing.