Published 6:00 am Monday, January 26, 2009

Services for Katie Ruth Fleming Morgan, of Roxie, are 11 a.m.Monday, Jan. 26, at East Roxie Church of Christ with burial in NewFork/Meadville Cemetery. Marshall Funeral Home is in charge ofarrangements.

Visitation is Sunday from 12 until 5 p.m. at the funeral home inBude.

Mrs. Morgan, 71, died Jan. 22, 2009, at Franklin MemorialHospital. She was born in Franklin County on Sept. 3, 1937, toLuther Fleming and Lula Harris White.

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Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, James C.Morgan; and three brothers.

Survivors are her daughters, Blanchie Johnson, Dorothy Ford andAlice Jackson, all of Roxie; her sons, Alec Fleming and CharlieCameron, both of Roxie, and Jeffery Morgan, of Atlanta, Ga.; hersisters, Rosie Sanders, of Gloster, Dorothy Williams, BeatriceStampley and Pearlie Mae Green, all of Roxie; three brothers,Luther Harris, L.J. White and Pearlie White, all of Roxie; eightgrandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and many nieces andnephews.