Supervsors waive tax for three industries
Published 6:24 pm Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Industry has a welcome home in Lincoln County thanks to measures upheld and approved by the board of supervisors.
In their Monday meeting, supervisors unanimously approved the request from three major Lincoln County industries for ad valorem tax waivers.
Rex Lumber Co., Delphi Packard Electric and Denbury Onshore LLC received the tax incentive in lieu of recent expansion, or intent to, as well as an increase in their employment base.
Rex received a $3,317,348.28 ad valorem waiver over the next 10 years in response to an equipment and facility expansion at the sawmill including the addition of a compact feeder, planer upgrade and a stacker project.
“Rex Lumber is continuing to expand and improve operations in Lincoln County,” Brookhaven Plant Manager Doug Boykin said while addressing the board Monday. “We employ 153 people and plan on hiring more in the future.”
Chancery Clerk Tillman Bishop applauded Rex’s addition of over 30 employees since opening its doors in Brookhaven in 2009.
“The board is interested in investment and employment in this county, and it looks like you have provided that,” Bishop said. “Part of the reason we can keep the doors open in this building is because of the success of people like you.”
District One Supervisor the Rev. Jerry Wilson also expressed his appreciation for Rex.
“It’s just a blessing to have y’all here,” Wilson said.
Delphi Packard Electric received its request for a 10-year $614,094 tax abatement.
Delphi Representative Bryan Adkins explained that the company’s ongoing business expansions are requiring additional investment in the Broohaven facility.
Delphi currently employs 230 people.
Denbury Onshore LLC, Mississippi’s largest oil and gas producer, received $294,834 in the 10-year tax waiver for its facilities in Lincoln County.
In other news, the board approved the re-imbursement of funds to the city covering half of the power bill for lighting on exit 40 of I-55.
Also, Bishop announced that he would be attending a Mississippi Association of Chancery Clerks leadership conference in Natchez to discuss “things that are pertinent to the clerk’s office,” Bishop said.
The event is sponsored by the Judicial College of the University of Mississippi.