Canon chosen as governor of Boys State

Published 6:00 pm Thursday, June 2, 2011

HATTIESBURG – Brookhaven resident Zach Canon has achievedpolitical success.

As a participant in American Legion Boys State, Canon was electedgovernor of the state of “Magnolia” Wednesday during the annualleadership program held at the University of SouthernMississippi.

“Excitement is an understatement,” Canon said of his victory.

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Canon’s ambitions did not originally aim for the governor’sposition.

He planned to run for state treasurer. He was selected as a leaderfor his party, however, and then advised to run for governor.

He faced eight other candidates in his party primary and then oneother candidate in the main election. The election took placeWednesday.

Boys State is designed to teach high school boys about the processof American government. Boys who have completed their junior yearof high school may be selected to attend the one-weekprogram.

The Mississippi Boys State website states that the program seeks toimpart a “real-world understanding of democracy, from campaigningfor office to the many dynamics of state and localgovernment.”

Steve Guyton, Communications Director for the program, describedBoys State as a “learn by doing approach to government.”

Upon arrival at Boys State, participants are divided into threeparties: Nationalists, Federalists and Independents. TheNationalists and Federalists must sway the Independents to achieveelectoral and legislative success.

The boys form the government of the fictional state of “Magnolia.”The mock government includes city, county and state levels.

Canon’s major task as governor will be to pass a state budget. Eachof the city mayors will present a city project. From theseprojects, a total state budget must be created.

“My goal is to pass the budget by Friday night,” said Canon.

Some years, a budget has not been successfully agreed on andpassed. Canon describes this possibility as a “failure.”

A number of other political and legislative issues have faced Canonand the other Boys State participants. Each party had to decidewhether it would support lowering the drinking age from 21 to18.

Canon’s party, the Nationalist party, did not choose to supportlowering the drinking age. The other major party, the Federalists,supported lowering the drinking age.

Students were also presented with a scenario in which a large oilreserve was discovered in the state of Magnolia – in a protectedwetlands area.

Canon’s party ultimately supported drilling within the wetlands TheFederalists were divided over this issue but finally compromisedand agreed to drill.

Guyton personally sponsored Canon as a participant in the program.Guyton met Canon when both of them volunteered for Rep. GreggHarper’s campaign.

“I worked long and hard on Gregg Harper’s campaign the first timehe ran and for his re-election,” said Canon.

Guyton was impressed with Canon’s abilities.

“Zach is a great kid, really involved in a lot of civic andcommunity things,” Guyton said. “I saw his overall desire towardgovernment and his interest in community service. I think he haspotential to be a leader.”

Guyton emphasized that Boys State is not just a political or civicprogram, but a leadership program. Almost 300 students participatedthis year.

Canon attends Mississippi School of the Arts, focusing on thetheater discipline. Right now, he plans to pursue a kinesiologymajor when he attends college.

As Boys State governor, Canon will be the recipient of the HaroldHale Scholarship. The scholarship may be used at any universityCanon attends.