Loyd Star athletes honored
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 14, 2001
WESSON – The Loyd Star Athletic Booster Club honored the Hornetathletes Friday night at the Thames Center on the campus ofCopiah-Lincoln Community College.
One of the highlights of the awards banquet was the retirementof Lance Newman’s jersey number 43 in baseball. Newman is a juniorcatcher for Troy State University. He starred for two years atCo-Lin. The jersey number was presented to his parents, Paul andConnie Smith.
Loyd Star athletes receiving Most Valuable Player honors wereChase Coley and Casey Warren in football, Coley in baseball, MonicaTownsend and Christie May in girls basketball, Beth Smith and DanaCoke in slowpitch softball, Brad Britt in boys basketball, TrentMaddox in golf and Jeremy Vanover in tennis.
Receiving special awards were Jeremy Vanover with the CareyMcCraven Award in tennis and Garrieth Calcote with the AnthonyHenderson Award in football.
Scholastic awards were presented to David Posey and HeatherBritt.
@Bbstandings:Loyd Star Athletic Awards
Scholastic Award: David Posey, HeatherBritt.
Football: Brad Britt, Garrieth Calcote, Chase Coley, JoeHanks, Chan Newell, David Posey, Deke Purdy, Tyrone Tyler, CaseyWarren, Senior Plaques; Chase Coley, Casey Warren, Brad Britt, AdamSpeeg, Seth Britt, Derrick Johnson, All-Division 6-2A; CodyCovington, Most Valuable Player Division; Casey Warren, CodyCovington, Adam Speeg, Second Team All-Division State; ShawnBroxon, Seth Britt, Adam Speeg, Hunter Case, Deke Purdy, MatthewDelaughter, Lorgan Portrey, Tyrone Tyler, Perfect SummerWeightlifting Attendance; Cody Covington, Roe Burns Off-SeasonWeightlifting Award; Unquirie Smith, Sophomore OffseasonWeightlifting Award; William Hill, Freshman Offseason WeightliftingAward; Kevin Reed, Spring Training Award; Derrick Johnson, MostImproved Offensive Player; Demarcus Barnes, Offensive Player of theYear; David Posey, Most Valuable Offensive Limeman; Adam Speeg,Most Valuable Offensive Back; Brad Britt, Most Valuable OffensivePlayer; Logan Portrey, Most Improved Defensive Player; Seth Britt,Most Valuable Defensive Back; Cody Covington, Most ValuableDefensive Player; Tyrone Tyler, Mr. Hustle; Chan Newell, SpecialTeams; Casey Warren, Most Valuable Defensive Lineman; Chase Coley,Team Captain; Chase Coley, Casey Warren, Goldhelmet (MVP) Award;Garrieth Calcote, Anthony Henderson Award.
Baseball: Brad Britt, Deke Purdy, Chase Coley, SeniorAward; Seth Britt, Best Offensive Player; Cass Brister, BestDefensive Player; Brad Britt, Team Captain; Deke Purdy, MostImproved Player; Lee Newell, Hard-Worker Award; Chase Coley, MostValuable Player.
Cheerleaders: Katie Goldman, Heather Grimes, Erin Hart,Sarah Russell, Jackie Shelby, Allyson Smith, Samantha Smith, SeniorAward; Katie Goldman, Best All-Around Cheerleader; Allyson Smith,Leadership Award; Erin Hart, Brandi Irvin, Sponsorship Award;Jackie Shelby, Samantha Smith, Most Improved Player; HeatherGrimes, Best Attitude; Megan Russell, Most SpiritAward.
Girls basketball: Heather Britt, Dana Coke, KaylaGilmore, Christie May, Jennifer Scroggs, Leah Smith, MonicaTownsend, Senior Awards; Monica Townsend, Christie May, Dana Coke,All-District 6-2A; Christie May, Best Offensive Player; Dana Coke,Best Defensive Player; Jamakia Henderson, Miss Hustle; ChristieMay, Highest Free-Throw Shooting Percentage; Leah Smith, LeadershipAward; Jennifer Scroggs, Most Improved; Monica Townsend, ChristieMay, Co-Most Valuable Players.
Slowpitch Softball: Leah Smith, Best Offensive Player;Dana Coke, Best Defensive Player; Heather Britt, Miss Hustle; RustiJackson, Team Captain; Samantha Smith, Most Improved Player; BethSmith, Dana Coke, Co-Most Valuable Player.
Fastpitch softball: Heather Britt, Dana Coke, SeniorAward; Beth Smith, Best Defensive Award; Dana Coke, Best Stole BaseAward; Crystal Conn, Miss Hustle.
Boys basketball: Brad Britt, Freddy Calcote, TyroneTyler, Senior Award; Demarcus Barnes, Brad Britt, All-District6-2A: Demarcus Barnes, Brad Britt (Co-MVP), All-Lincoln Co.; JaredBritt, Rookie of the Year; Brad Britt, Best Free Throw Shooter;Seth Britt, Mr. Hustle; Jermaine Hunter, Best Defensive Player;Tyrone Tyler, Freddy Calcote, Most Improved Player; DemarcusBarnes, Best Rebounder; Brad Britt, Most ValuablePlayer.
Golf: Josh Wright, Rookie of the Year; Blake Windham,Most Improved; Jody Britt, Team Captain; Trent Maddox, MostValuable Player; Jody Britt, Trent Maddox, All-Division6-2A.
Tennis: Kayla Gilmore, Jennifer Scroggs, Jeremy Vanover,Senior Award; Mindy Morse, Cindy Moak, Sportsmanship Award; JohnRoberts, Most Improved; Dee Smith, Katie McCraven, Best at the Net;Donnie Hollis, Jennifer Scoggs, Most Valuable Doubles; JerryVanover, Most Valuable Singles; Jeremy Vanover, Carey McCravenAward.