Man killed during altercation
Published 6:00 am Monday, March 3, 2008
A Bogue Chitto man is dead after being shot in a Friday eveningaltercation at a residence on Stonybrook Trail, authoritiessaid.
Deputy Coroner John Hart said James E. Gill, 63, of 25Stonybrook Trail, was pronounced dead at 7:03 p.m. Friday at King’sDaughters Medical Center.
The shooting occurred around 5:20 p.m. at the residence of MikeShoemake at 33 Stonybrook Trail, officials said. Shoemake, ageunavailable, surrendered himself to officers on the scene but nocharges have been filed in the case.
District Attorney Dee Bates said the area has been secured andthat an investigation is continuing.
“We have spoken with parties involved with the shooting,” saidBates. “At this time all we can say is that it’s still underinvestigation.”
No one has been detained in custody for the shooting, saidLincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing. The sheriff saidinvestigators are working to figure out exactly what happened tolead to the shooting.
“We’re waiting on pending crime lab and autopsy results toverify what we’ve been told so far,” he said.
Hart said Gill’s body will be sent for autopsy at the statecrime lab. He said Gill died as a result of at least one gunshotwound.
Under the castle doctrine, passed in 2006 in Mississippi, if ahomeowner is being threatened, he may take whatever measuresnecessary to defend himself inside his own home. Bates said hecannot yet say whether the shooting on Stonybrook will fall underthat umbrella.
“This situation occurred in a home, so the new castle doctrineis something that may apply,” Bates said. “But we will need toassess the situation as it develops under investigation.”