Check out the LCHS baseball program

Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 26, 2006

If you need a quick baseball fix, check out the new 2006Lawrence County High School baseball program. Certainly, it is athing of beauty to behold.

Wrapped in a full-color jacket, the program includes 80 pages,loaded with photos of the LCHS players and Diamond Dolls, plus lotsof advertisements. It even has a page breaking down the eight Class4A divisions in Mississippi.

Also included is a half-page of baseball terms and slangs forthe baseball neophyte to absorb. Baseball Hall of Famer Yogi Berrahas a a series of his famous quotes on the bottom of severalpages.

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LCHS second-year head coach Cory Keyes promoted the program ideaand it was welcomed with open arms. His Cougars are riding thesuccessful wave of a Division 6-4A championship.

“We put a lot of work into it,” said Keyes. “Hopefully, it willget better and better.”

According to Keyes, one of the major keys to the program’ssuccess was Monticello resident Jim Oakes who was in charge ofgraphic design. “Jim pretty much designed all the layouts. We toldhim what we wanted. He does wonderful work. The details are sogood.”

The LCHS Diamond Club members and parents spearheadedadvertising sales. The Lawrence Co. Press printed it.

“We are real proud of it,” said Keyes. “We did very good off thead sales. All the merchants really came through for us.”

The program’s retail price is $5. It’s an example of what can beaccomplished when a community pulls together for a common goal.

LCHS finds itself in a minority. Few baseball teams have asouvenir type program. Keyes said McComb Parklane has one and”Northwest Rankin does an outstanding one. Theirs isphenomenal.”

Like most high schools in the Magnolia State, football receivespriority. Football programs are promoted and printed annually. Theyproduce revenue for booster clubs. Many resemble a book when youconsider the numbers of ads and photos.

“This is something I wanted to do,” said Keyes. “Football alwayshas a program. It has been a big success around here.”

For sure, the baseball program builds enthusiasm. Personally, itmakes me think about the joys of baseball. Consider the smell ofspring, warm sunshine, green grass, the crack (ping) of the bat,the smell of a well-oiled leather baseball glove, chalk lines,infield dirt, the outfield fence, the American flag fluttering inthe breeze, hamburgers and sausage smoking on an outdoor grill.

Keyes recalled the reaction of LCHS baseball fans to the newprograms. “We brought them out for the first time last Saturday.Our 19th Annual Red Beans and Rice Dinner is a fund-raiser for thebaseball team. That gets our season kicked off. Everybody sitsaround and talks baseball. It’s kind of a tradition.

“We sold approximately 100 programs.”

Featured on the program’s cover are the four LCHS seniors:Johnathan Stephens, Taebyus Smith, Marty Ballard and Jake Russell.There is a family page for the coaches, featuring Keyes and hiswife, Jennifer; and assistant coaches Craig Davis and JamesGrubbs.

Davis, a Monticello native, is in his 18th season as anassistant coach. Grubbs, a Magee native, will direct the juniorhigh program.

For sure, the Davis family has been an integral part of LawrenceCounty baseball for many years. The baseball field is named inhonor of Jimmie Davis. His son,Tony Davis, was a longtime baseballcoach and athletic director at LCHS.

Tony Davis began his career as head coach in 1987, the finalyear of Monticello High School. Consolidation of New Hebron,Monticello and Topeka-Tilton followed the next year and he coachedthe Cougars to a 22-7 record in their first season.

Davis was inducted into the Crossroads Diamond Club Hall of Famelast June at Trustmark Park in Pearl, during the high schoolall-star game presentation. He had a career record of 242 wins and140 losses. During a 10-year stretch, the Cougars qualified 9 timesfor the state playoffs.

Looking ahead, baseball is just around the corner. On Feb. 18,the Cougars host Wesson in a Saturday night season opener.

Write to sports editor Tom Goetz, c/o The DAILY LEADER, P.O.BOX 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602, or