Board OKs tag credit for VFDS
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Supervisors have tentatively approved a tax credit of up to $100for volunteer firefighters on their vehicle tags in recognition oftheir devotion to saving the lives and property of countyresidents.
The approval, however, was pending the board’s satisfaction onthe clarification of what constitutes an “active” volunteerfirefighter. The credit passed on a 4-1 vote during Monday’s boardmeeting.
“We don’t want to give credit to everyone who claims to be avolunteer firefighter,” said Clifford Galey, Lincoln County firecoordinator. “There are people on the books who have been membersfor years that have never turned out for a meeting or to fight afire.”
Supervisors said they wanted to limit the credit to volunteerswho actually assisted the county in their efforts, and not thosewho claimed to be firefighters simply for prestige.
Chief among requirements laid down by supervisors was that avolunteer cannot qualify simply by joining the fire department. Afirefighter must be in “active” status for a minimum of three yearsto qualify for the credit, according to the approved plan.
The requirement prompted the discussion on what constituted anactive firefighter.
Galey said he will meet with the presidents and chiefs of countyvolunteer fire departments next week to determine more in-depthguidelines. The suggestions will then be recommended to the boardof supervisors for final judgment.
District Four Supervisor Doug Moak, who opposed the tag credit,said the plan could cost the county an estimated $10,000 in generalfund revenue.
“I appreciate what they do, I really do, but I hate to see thecounty lose that revenue,” he said. “They do good work, but youhave to realize, in the times we live in, that’s $10,000.”
Tax Assessor-Collector Nancy Jordan urged supervisors to approvethe plan, which became available July 1 under state law.
“They use their own vehicles, their own gas and their own time.I like this,” she said. “I think it’s a good reward.”