Roberts, Jones
Published 9:07 pm Monday, June 28, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, of Laurel, announce the engagementand approaching marriage of their daughter, Samantha Roberts, toNicholas Jones.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Jones, of Bogue Chitto.
She is the granddaughter of Lilly and Bill Butler, of Laurel,and the late Dago and Hazel Roberts, of Laurel.
He is the grandson of Faye Moak, of Bogue Chitto, and the lateBud Moak, and the late Roger and Claudell Jones, of McCall Creek.He is the great-grandson of Ammie Cupit, of McCall Creek.
The bride-elect is a graduate of R.H. Watkins High School inLaurel and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Artfrom Mississippi College in 2008. She is presently enrolled atSouthwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas,majoring in Marriage and Family Counseling. She is employed as anemployment specialist with World Relief in Fort Worth.
The prospective groom is a graduate of Parklane Academy andreceived a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Studies fromMississippi College in 2007. He is presently enrolled atSouthwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, in theMaster of Divinity program with special emphasis in InternationalChurch Planting. He is employed with the seminary in thelandscaping department.
The wedding is 6:33 p.m. on Saturday, July 17, 2010, at FirstBaptist Church in Clinton. A reception will follow at thechurch.
All friends and relatives are invited to attend the wedding andthe reception.