County should move forward with courthouse parking plan
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Anyone who has been to the Government Complex on a day of courtknows firsthand how more parking is sorely needed around thecourthouse. And seldom at any time is available parking inabundance around the facility.
With that in mind, Lincoln County officials have begun lookinginto a way of adding 72 parking spaces across the street from thecourthouse. Supervisors last week endorsed Chancery Clerk TillmonBishop’s request to seek cost estimates for the project.
Having county and city offices in one building has been a majorpositive for this community’s economic success and offeredconvenience to area residents. The convenience of having to makeonly one stop to conduct both city and county business is somewhathindered, though, by the hassle of hunting for a parking space.
In the last few years, parking spaces around the courthouse havebeen consumed by development like the new jail and claimed by lawenforcement and other officials who need quick access to theiroffices. While those uses are certainly justified, they havediminished what limited parking there was initially.
A city effort, in which a gravel parking area north of thecomplex was created several years ago, has helped the situation.However, the lack of parking area paving can make for a mess onrainy days.
An additional paved area would help alleviate some of thecourthouse’s parking problems. Provided cost estimates are not wayout of line, we encourage county officials to park funds in thebudget for pursuit of this needed project.