Public must play role in litter prevention

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We hope a recent survey indicating more litter along city andcounty roadways is but a one-time setback in the battle againstlitter.

Results presented last week showed a 2006 reversal in a positivetrend that had been developing over the last few years.

Keep Lincoln County Beautiful members, who have done great workin encouraging anti-litter efforts, cited a lack of inmate workcrews to pick up litter and waste along the road as one factor inthe increase. County officials hope to get the crews back up andrunning at full strength soon.

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Those efforts aside, the public can play a big role incontrolling litter simply by waiting to get home to throw away thatfast-food cup or wrapper and by disposing of other trash in theproper receptacles. That will go a long way toward getting rid oflitter and making the community look better.