Final fishing for points tourney set for Sept. 11

Published 6:38 pm Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Before storming the Lincoln County Wildlife Expo on Sept. 18,local children can put their outdoor skills to the test in afishing tournament that could earn them recognition at the annualevent.

The last of three Fishing for the Points tournaments will be heldat Lake Lincoln State Park at 8 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 11. Childrenage 16 and under can participate in the challenge and earn pointsfor the expo, with the highest earners receiving ribbons and prizesfrom outdoor superstore Gander Mountain.

“Each fish caught generates points, and points add up toward awardsat the banquet during the expo Saturday (Sept. 18),” said QuinnJordan, manager of the Lincoln Civic Center and expo coordinator.”There are prizes for the first three winners, and all the childrenwho participate will get a ribbon.”

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Admission to Fishing for the Points is free, and lunch will beprovided to participating children. All fishers must bring theirown poles, bait and tackle. Anyone who wishes to sponsor the eventby providing live bait may call Jordan at 601-823-9064.

Pre-registration for Fishing for the Points is required.Registration may be completed by calling Just Kiddin’ of Brookhavenat 601-823-5858.

The upcoming tournament is the last of three, but Jordan saidfirst-time fishers shouldn’t be discouraged at missing the firsttwo earlier this summer.

“Just because you didn’t come to the first two doesn’t mean youdon’t have a chance to win,” he said. “Most of our winners earntheir points in the last one.”