Stand ‘United’ for giving

Published 6:00 pm Sunday, September 11, 2011

In the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, the words, “United westand,” became a rallying cry for Americans.

Although we haven’t heard it as much these days, maybe it’s time todust off that phrase again and put it to use in support of theUnited Way of Lincoln County.

With its annual fundraising campaign now under way, the localUnited Way is asking for our help through monetarycontributions.

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The dollars we give to the local United Way go to support localmember agencies, which include the Boy Scouts, City RecreationDepartment, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Girl Scouts, AmericanRed Cross, Boys and Girls Club, Lincoln County 4-H, OutreachMinistries, Lincoln County Emergency Relief, Widows and OrphansCenter, Guardian Shelter, ROTAP (Reach Out to Another Person)Mentoring, Brookhaven Beautiful, Sunshine Shelter, Habitat forHumanity, Peewee Football and Brookhaven Little Theatre.

With federal support for many programs shrinking, local donationsare becoming even more important, and United Way officials remindus that 99 cents out of every dollar contributed to the United Wayin Lincoln County stays in Lincoln County.

So as this year’s United Way campaign gets under way, we can helpby digging deep into our pockets. Contributions can be dropped bythe Chamber of Commerce office or given to one of the United Wayvolunteers when they stop by your workplace.

It’s been said so often that it almost loses its significance, butit’s true nonetheless – united we stand, divided we fall.

Let’s stand “United” and help our fellow citizens.